Hi Everyone, Can anyone advise me re my caravan cover, or rather what the cover may be doing to my van? I got thinking during the time that the really hot weather was on. Then I thought about my new Elddis under the caravan cover. The heat in the sun was horrendous but the heat under the cover must have been unbearable raising the caravan temperature to unbearable levels- So what is that doing to the sealants on the van? Are they being cooked or are they able to withstand such treatment? I phoned Elddis wanting to talk to thier technical dept but I was put onto customer services!and as nice as thet were they were not able to help- neither were the caravan suppliers. Covers I have found are great to keep the van in clean and polished condition and as we all know, UV light is the killer of our beloved vans but in really hot weather could it do more harm than good?