demountable option?

Mar 20, 2007
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I'm thinking of changing my 2 berth caravan and looking at a demountable on a mitsubishi L200. Anyone done this? What about european insurance for the outfit? What about security on site? Come-on let's hear it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Apr 26, 2005
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Hi Robert,

Doesn't look like there are any demountable owners on this forum but i'll bring it back to the top for you to try again.

I guess most on here have towing tourers. I did have a brief look on the web for a demountable forum but with no joy.

If you have the bucks then with a pick up you could go for the 5th wheel option.

Have a look here.
i'm afraid i don't even know where to look for demountables in this country.

Good luck.
Mar 14, 2005
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Robert, have you looked in the motorhome and the 4x4 mags. Try WH smithys they usually have a good selection of both. Best of luck, Bazz
Aug 6, 2005
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Hi Robert

We seriously looked into this option and bought a pick up and started viewing the few manufacturers selling demoutables. We went to various caravan/motorhome shows and talked at length to the builders, looked at 5th wheelers as a further if rather expensive option. Talked to insurers who had never heard of them, hmmed and haaed and then went out and bought a second hand caravan. Our reasons were as follows

We are approaching out sixties and have two large dogs and room is certainly a deciding factor in whatever we bought. The beds on the demountables have to be clambered into as they are over the cab part of the pickup and there is little headroom. We felt that early hour forays to the loo would be fun(ho ho) clambering over one another and treading or falling over dogs. Where would the dogs sleep? (very little floor room, in fact very little room altogether. Storage would have been at a premium and our intentions, when we retire, will be to travel away for long periods of time so comfort and room and storage were all very high on the list. So sadly we decided that a demountable in the long run was not the way to go. Which is a pity really as the idea is good. The Americans use demountables a lot and have quite a lot more types to choose from which have pull out sides giving alot more space, however their pickups are more powerfull than ours. We find the pickup plus a hard top on the back is ideal as a tow car come mobile dog home!!

Think carefully before you buy, I don't know what age group you fall into, but we felt our age and level of fitness (we are well fed fifty somethings) were not up to the constraints of a demountable.


Sorry about such a long reply
Mar 14, 2005
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Hi Robert type in demountable caravans on your search engine and you will find quite a bit of information on demountables available in the UK. I have just called up RV Sales for example and they have quite a good web page. Good luck.


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