e-mail address


Mar 14, 2005
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Log in with your old email address.

At the top of the page , click on Edit Profile.

At the top of thatpage in blue is Edit Personal Details, click.

Change your e mail address and save.
Nov 12, 2007
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Unfortunately that does not seem work! I too have a new e mail and have tried to change it several times.

If I want to change my e mail, do I need to choose a new password too, or should I just enter my old one in the last box?

I have tried all combinations of this procedure and cannot get anywhere.


Nov 12, 2009
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Hi Jennifer

I contacted Haymarket on your behalf and they promised to get back to me with a solution.

This seems to have been an empty promise because despite my reminders I still have no solution to offer.

Have you tried re registering with your current email address, in effect re joining but with the same username?

Log out, then click log in and then click on Register to enter your new details.
Nov 12, 2007
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Hi Jennifer

I contacted Haymarket on your behalf and they promised to get back to me with a solution.

This seems to have been an empty promise because despite my reminders I still have no solution to offer.

Have you tried re registering with your current email address, in effect re joining but with the same username?

Log out, then click log in and then click on Register to enter your new details.
No, but I will try it now.


Nov 12, 2009
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You have to register as though for the first time and clear your old details from the boxes to replace them with your current details. Other than that I'm sorry but I don't know what to suggest.

The main thing is that you can still add posts and read the forum.
May 2, 2006
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I changed my email address yesterday and logged on fine using the new one today.

Computers... don't you just love 'em?

Mike A
Nov 12, 2007
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You have to register as though for the first time and clear your old details from the boxes to replace them with your current details. Other than that I'm sorry but I don't know what to suggest.

The main thing is that you can still add posts and read the forum.
Yes, that is what I did!

As you said, at least I can still access the forum and post.
Nov 12, 2007
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You have to register as though for the first time and clear your old details from the boxes to replace them with your current details. Other than that I'm sorry but I don't know what to suggest.

The main thing is that you can still add posts and read the forum.
Yes, that is what I did!

As you said, at least I can still access the forum and post.


Nov 12, 2009
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I've just got it to work as well Jennifer.

When you are not logged in and are unable to submit posts first

click on LOG IN.

Next fill in your new email address in the plain box underneath where it is written:

'If you would like to register with Practical Caravan, please enter your email-address '

Don't click on anything until you have entered your new email address and disable any auto fill devices so that you have to type the new email address in manually.

After you've filled in your email address click on REGISTER

Another webpage will load which will contain a form in a pale blue rectangle with these words for the various boxes:


Personal profile *compulsory

Enter your

email address *

Choose a

password *

Confirm your

password *

Title *

First name *

Surname *

Address *


Postcode *


Country *

Your age range

Gender male female

Haymarket Media Group, publishers of Practical Caravan, would like to contact you with special offers, news and competitions we think you'll find interesting. We also respect your privacy. If you would not like to receive such information via post, phone, sms or email, please un-tick this box.

Occasionally we work with carefully selected partners whose products we think might be of interest to you. If you would like to receive such information, please tick this box.


Fill the boxes in and click on SUBMIT at the bottom of the webform

You should then have loaded your new email address. If you want to check that this has happened add a post here and I'll contact you privately via email which will confirm that your details have loaded.

Hope this helps
Aug 2, 2009
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Yes, that was what I did. It must have worked as when I tried to do it now it said that e mail address was already in use.

I am now logged in under the new e mail.

What did not work was trying to just alter my e mail in "edit profile"

It is quite a while since i first registered, so cannot remember if there was a box for choosing a user name? There wasn't now, I was immediately identified and welcomed back as "Jennifer", that was the bit that puzzled me.

Is it the PC website that automatically fills in e mail and password on the "login" page? Does it recognise me from my computer or whatever?

When I log out and then go to log in again, it is the old e mail that automatically appears. Am I making any sense here?!


Nov 12, 2009
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No Jennifer, if your email address and password are automatically filled in every time that you log in this is from settings on your own computer.

The P.Cv database such as it is recognises your I.P address and your email address appears in the moderators edit suite alongside your posts and the email address is coupled with your username in the data.

You entered your name on the new form which is why your name appears in the 'welcome back ' logo but to chose a new username you need to log in manually with your new email address and then click on EDIT PROFILE and delete any previous details then enter your new username, password, email etc.


Nov 12, 2009
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I've just re read the last couple of posts and realised that you wrote

'Am I making any sense here?!'

and I replied with my first line

'No Jennifer, if your email address............'

Sorry Jennifer, I didn't mean my post to come out that way lol

I know what you meant, honestly!


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