FAO cris


Mar 14, 2005
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Hi cris

Just a quick email.

From your posting of late August, you wrote that you were going to the US to get treatment. I just wondered how it all went and are you still there?

I notice that your had must be a bit better because you are not leaving spaces intermittently.

Hope to hear from you soon.

Dec 16, 2003
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I would have said thank's for the interest Lisa, but having had my first morning read of recent posts following on from my habitual habit of reading online UK newspapers I'll give that a miss.

It was pointed out to me that Windows XP has on screen keyboard facility so I can post without using the laptop keyboard. Using a tracker ball mouse makes for fluid easier typing with one hand,

As posted to Mod 1, I am withdrawing from this site, my op was cut short, things not as good as hoped and I face another next week and then I face a few months rahabilitation treatment to help me walk again and more operations.

We have a buyer for our caravan and the new house in France so I never made it as a French resident, all Maureen's hard work has been wasted but I had to face reality. We may try again in the future.

With caravan exchanged for wheel chairs, PCV Forum seems the wrong place. No doubt you Lisa and the regular gang of snipers will be quick to post rude comments yet again. I did feel sad for myself but then I look at your little PCV gang, I may not have mobility but then again it could be worse! I could be like you lot ;-)

So even Brian and Lol have some positive use :) they have to have the edge over valium or other happy pills ;-) Well may be not.

Enjoy your caravanning

Adios cris.

Sheds tear, exits backwards stage left taking care to check that Lord B has not got past Ellis Island ;-)


Mar 14, 2005
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Thank you Graham. It was an enquiry as to chris's health actually. My cousin had surgery in the states recently but he cannot come back to this country for another month at least.



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