Hi Dustydog
The problem is that as newer posts are added older ones disappear from the 'other end' because the memory capability of the website appears to be limited.
The posts do remain in the central Haymarket database but the problem with it is that there is no easy method of identifying a particular post from the thousands that are stored on there.
Because you remembered which section of the forum Steve's post appeared in and I could deduce the approximate dates to look for I managed to find the post related to that which you wished to see...........
But it's taken me a couple of hours to find it!
Another problem is that the database which holds members email addresses from which their posts can be found is either full to capacity or broken. This means that members who joined the forum in the past four years or who changed their email address are untraceable.
This is just another one of the foibles that we have to live with unfortunately, Haymarket have no inclination to address these problems as far as I can tell.