

Mar 14, 2005
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I watched both programmes and it is insane.
Perfectly good fish are being killed and wasted, yet fish stocks are supposed to be protected.
Surely it would make more sense to limit the tonnage of fish caught by each boat, regardless of type so that at least this unbelievable "discard" situation can be put where it belongs,,,,,in the bin.

Trawl nets cannot distinguish between fish types,just size(to some extent) so many many fish are just jettisoned to satisfy Brussels beurocrats.

I have signed the ,makes sense.
Jan 19, 2008
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Damian-Moderator said:
I have signed the ,makes sense.

I've also signed the petition to get us out of the EU.
As long as we stay in this corrupt insane conglomerate problems like fish stocks will persist.
When we had our own fishing grounds fish stocks were protected but now our waters are hoovered up by other countries who have already destroyed their own fishing grounds.
I couldn't watch the programme because just thinking and reading about it makes me evil. To watch it would have put me into a fit of despair

Just signed and added friends to the list.
Feb 27, 2010
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the only problem with Hughs task ( ive eaten in the R C Canteen- very nice too and he goes fishing in WestBay) .is the French and Spanish that will reject any changes to the Fish Quota system ans alledgedly the current system supports them as the quotas are not standard accross all countries.

When the UK fishing fleet was being downsized due to the quotas the Spanish fleet actually increased in size.

I enjoy sea fishing but a great many shore anglers over the last few years have noticed a drop in catches , and those fish ( Cod, codling, whiting ,dab, plaice etc) are smaller and far and few. In some cases , beaches that were very productive are now deserted of fish . Some believe its because inshore trawlers and beam trawlers are fishing much closer to shore. Beam trawlers also scour the sea bed clean . they take everything and is a very destructive method of fishing.

Sea Bass numbers have dropped due to the high prices caused by top TV chefs continually cooking it. Small boats now go out and basically seine net it, along with everytrhing else. I go into Morrisons and sometimes the size of sea bass on the counter is appalling, they sell small fish as suprisingly there is not an enforceable limit on the size of line caught sea bass.

Hugh has one hell of a fight on his hands and i wish him well, but its not just about the quoatas, is the way we fish as well, and changing the way beam trawlers work will be nigh on impossible.
( im up to Bridlignton on the 29th fishing on the north breakwater . hopefully get a few Dab , and maybe a bit of Whiting for tea.)
Apr 9, 2006
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Just watched Hugh's fish fight programs, which we'd recorded. Unbelieveable!! Both of us signed the petition straight away.
Noticed they have well over 411,000 signatures so far. Please ask everyone you know to sign it.
Aug 28, 2005
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i signed the petition and emailed the site to every one i know , the other thing that made me laugh was the ministry of fisheries couldnt tell one fish from another , i also made lots of copies of a national news papers campaign leaflets to get us out of the EU and handed them around to family and friends
Jan 19, 2008
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joeby said:
i also made lots of copies of a national news papers campaign leaflets to get us out of the EU and handed them around to family and friends

Ditto joby

If there is anything that would make me happy before I depart this life it is to see us regain our own borders, implement our own laws, take charge of our own territorial waters and recind that EU human rights charter that is a cancer in this country. Basically, as a country, to be again in charge of our own destiny without being ruled by unelected despots across the channel. Our forefathers who died fighting for our freedoms would turn in their graves if they knew what they had sacrificed their lives for. Very sad indeed and truly depressing for anyone who values our culture and is proud of our past.


Mar 14, 2005
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Quote " Our forefathers who died fighting for our freedoms would turn in their graves if they knew what they had sacrificed their lives for. "

How very true.
With the erosion of our freedoms by the EU it maskes their sacrifice worthless, which is deplorable.

My father survived being torpedoed three times during WW2 and suffered ill health from being dumped in the North Atlantic each time, until his early death at 56.
May 21, 2008
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Hugh has a massive fight to lead and it's good to see other TV chefs joining in an they quite honestly made complete idiots of the fisherise ministers.

I was realy hacked off to see the Scotish fisheries chapie only just begrudgingly support his own people. After all Peterhead and Fraizerburgh are the UK's largest fishing fleet and with the support industry's around them, they are arguably one of Scotlands biggest employers.

I used to help a family friend keep his crabbing and pleasure trip boats running at Newquay Dyfed a few years ago, by making his prop shafts and rebuilding the cauliflower eared propellors from the trip boats, caused as they beached to load passengers and scrubbed the sand. If we had not helped Winston by only making him pay for the stainless steel and brazing rods and then paying us in crabs and lobster for the labour, he wouldn't of been able to keep running.

I found it bloody ridiculas that the fishermen couldn't even transfer over quotas to another trawler to avoid it dropping it's nets and getting disgards. Even Hugh faced procecution using his landing net should he of been deemed to be obstructing a fisheries officer in the coarse of his duty.

Sooner we're out of the EU the better, all this country has had out of it is scraps of good news and been asked to pay for other countries desires to fleece the UK fshermen blind.


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