Hi everyone!
We landed back home on Sunday after spending 2 weeks at West Ayton CC site which was so badly affected by the torrential rain which hardly stopped over the period we were there (3 days of sun in 2 weeks and only 1 b-b-q!!!). We spent the first week on grass at the bottom of a slight slope - wonderful weather on arrival and the following day was sunny too. However, overnight the weather changed, and did it! We couldn't get on hard standing at the time of arrival so we had no choice but to sit it out. Flip flops were the order offootwear for a total of 7 nights! Our awning being several inches deep in water! I have never seen rain like it, it was quite frightening when heading out with the dog for a very quick tiddle. On the 8th day we managed to secure a hard stand, although if we hadn't we would have had to curtain our holiday and return home early. All 40 grass pitches were closed for most of this period and, even when advised not to attend the site, members continued to arrive.
After our arrival home in Sheffield we were greeted with the news of flooding a couple of days later. Flaming June!!!
Although the flooding is subsiding large members of the community are spending nights away from their homes having been evacuated due to a Dam seriously threatening to burst. M1 shut down between J32-34 north bound/J36-32 south bound!
So forget worrying about the grass cutting. We haven't any grass to cut - its all under water!
Well done everyone who has returned from holiday or due to go. Hope the conditions improve for you.
Finally a big thank you for all the effort made by the wardens at West Ayton who tried to make good of the terrible conditions.