Foreign Criminal Deportations

Mar 14, 2005
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It is never pleasant watching any one squirm - the one exception being a politician of course - that is always worth watching. I can sit down with a cup of tea and watch it time and time again - so that is my afternoon planned.

But as we all watch the Home Secretary pathetically trying to justify letting criminals of the very worst kind that should have been deported free to roam about after being told of the problem in August 2005 - it occurred to me whilst all this was going on, this government is trying to bring in a surveillance system that will cover all of us as we drive about so that our time using the roads can be charged.

What hope has any such system to monitor law abiding people (tho' some in government believe, I am sure, that you are a criminal for using a car) when those that have inflicted heinous crimes are free to roam at will.

Perhaps they will be able to find them by default because they no doubt drive a car without Tax Insurance. After all if you want to stay hidden you are hardly likely to trot along to your local PO to tax a car.

Is it just me or does anyone else find it worrying that vast sums of money are to be spent on a satellite surveillance system to monitor us all when a small number of criminals - already detained at Her Majesties Pleasure, cannot be monitored despite a Judge saying that after their sentence has been served they should be deported?
Nov 2, 2005
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They shouldn't let anyone in this country to live with a record.

But what's worse are the ones that go round driving, maming people get 6 weeks and can still stay here.

They should toss them out to anywhere else, if no one wants them dump in the north sea.
Mar 14, 2005
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I was speechless when I heard this latest gaffe.

How can the prison authorities just open the door and let them go? They surely have paperwork with all the history on record.

As soon as their sentence is finished,they should be escorted to a plane which then takes them back to wherever they came from.

Why don't we have a much more rigorous system to stop criminals from other countries coming here in the first place ?

The USA make us wait long enough in line just for taking a hloiday there.
Mar 14, 2005
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To my knowledge the "locals" have stopped us deporting criminals to their lands, so that's Australia and the USA out for the count. Better if we all jump ship and leave the country to them!

I haven't been one for politics, but like you said Clive, I now enjoy watching them sweat. Two jags has just admitted adultery, who the poor woman is I don't know, but I bet she's scarred for life!

How many times were we told that the Labour party was whiter than white? It's all coming out in the wash now though, so to speak. Bring on that general election, and let's have a change at the top.
Jan 19, 2008
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They shouldn't let anyone in this country to live with a record.

But what's worse are the ones that go round driving, maming people get 6 weeks and can still stay here.

They should toss them out to anywhere else, if no one wants them dump in the north sea.
I'll second that, we can breed our own villains without importing them.
Jan 19, 2008
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Who to Lol? Name a decent party. Let's face it the Monster Raving Loony Party or the BNP couldn't do a worse job. While mentioning the BNP isnt it obvious why people are being driven to them when gaffes like this happen.
Mar 14, 2005
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If you want to start the "Forum Users Party", Lord B, you can count on my vote.

Anyway, the pleasure will be, not voting for Labour, anything else is secondary. Like you said, who is there that you can trust?
Jun 29, 2004
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The current incuberents screw up everything they touch.Health,Education,Law and order, ect! ect.

The opposition are supposed to at least go through the motions of opposing, for which they have been noticely absent of late.

We are left piggy in the middle expected to pay for it all.

Theoreticaly your survellance system will never happen because not one govenment driven computer system has worked properly or within budget.

I suppose the one contradiction to that is, that taking photos at the side of the road is the only thing the police are any good at.

If an M.P. does not resign over this, does it mean that personal accountability is truly a thing of the past.


Norfolk Mike
Mar 14, 2005
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To my knowledge the "locals" have stopped us deporting criminals to their lands, so that's Australia and the USA out for the count. Better if we all jump ship and leave the country to them!

I haven't been one for politics, but like you said Clive, I now enjoy watching them sweat. Two jags has just admitted adultery, who the poor woman is I don't know, but I bet she's scarred for life!

How many times were we told that the Labour party was whiter than white? It's all coming out in the wash now though, so to speak. Bring on that general election, and let's have a change at the top.
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE be more careful with your words Lol!

Your refererence to Two Jags sweating whilst committing adultary caused a mental picture to form that has just made me physically ill.

As for his "partner" I suspect she is a bit thinner now.

But possibly considerably wider.
Mar 14, 2005
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Who to Lol? Name a decent party. Let's face it the Monster Raving Loony Party or the BNP couldn't do a worse job. While mentioning the BNP isnt it obvious why people are being driven to them when gaffes like this happen.
Sadly I believe you are correct LB - the one party that will benefit at the next election will be the BNP.
Mar 14, 2005
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If you want to start the "Forum Users Party", Lord B, you can count on my vote.

Anyway, the pleasure will be, not voting for Labour, anything else is secondary. Like you said, who is there that you can trust?
Let's try the Monster Raving Luny Party as a protest vote.
Mar 14, 2005
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Yep! - Agree with all that you say Mike. One of my clients is a legal eagle - very senior - he predicted years ago that Phoney Care would try the same tricks Barristers use.

And he was dead right. Remember the debarcle of the same money being announced as being given more than once?

That sort of trick works if you only have to convince 12 people and a different 12 people at that each time.

But the population as a whole has a far better "collective" memory. Any party that employs such a complete and utter sh*tehawk as Alistair Campbell deserves to fail.

Troble is what alternative do we have? I can see certain parts of the country going BNP is a big way. And perhaps others going Monster Raving Loony as a protest vote.

What a prospect!
Mar 14, 2005
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PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE be more careful with your words Lol!

Your refererence to Two Jags sweating whilst committing adultary caused a mental picture to form that has just made me physically ill.

As for his "partner" I suspect she is a bit thinner now.

But possibly considerably wider.

Forgive me Clive for I know not what I do. But now that you have just passed that mental picture on, consider me as a fellow sufferer.
Mar 14, 2005
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Ah but I am amazed that anyone voted Conservative at the last election. I can still remember the sleaze, the "simple sword of truth", the closure of NHS centres of excellence, and the debacle of our being in the ERM with interest rates of 15%.

My SERIOUS problem is that I really do not trust either of the two main parties. The Lib Dems are still also rans and up until recently had a drunk for a leader. As far as I am concerned the jury is still out on Ming. I just hope he survives until the next election.

So who do I vote for?

Those that feel isolated in their own country will vote BNP

Those that want to protest will vote for a "Local Issue" Independent or the Monster Raving Loony party.
Nov 2, 2005
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there totally paranoid just like the US.

I do Air Cadets and have for 20 years. Today I've been given a Security check counter terrorist check questionaire to fill in.





former partner

employers just a few but far in more than that.

The best is have I ever been involved in(here we go)



sabotage etc, etc

They had 3/4 of this info 20 years ago.

There are 2 boxes it's simple all I have to do is answer yes or no.

What would you answer especially if you have been involved?

One question is have you ever had significant financial difficulties. Of course all the sodding time paying taxes for everybody sponging and coming to this country.

Sorry guys I'm a tad would up.

But one is getting sick of all of it.

Can someone explain what addictive substance have to do with torrorism could it be a dope dealer might explode. Going now gripe gripe gripe.
Dec 16, 2003
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Somebody mentioning labour "scewing up" everything. With babies in Downing street and Blunket and Two Shags at least they seem to know abit about one subject ;-0

The fine darling ladies of this fine site soon jump on the weaknesses of us males and question male judgement and our little ways, but if women are so smart ;-) ---- Prescott, Blunket , Mellor, Major, Boris etc. Please explain ladies because some of you must vote for these "fine" specimens and others of you are shedding you smalls for them .

How can we expect ministers to do what we expect or to throw out the lame ducks we attract when they seem to have a steady flow of "intelligent" women in need of "lurve" to service ;-)

I really think that you are expecting to much Clive, no doubt the home secretary has his libido to concentrate on first!
Mar 14, 2005
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Charles Clarke is visiting a condom factory today, his speach has been pre-released

"There are many similarities between this government and condoms - after all a condom:-

Stands up to inflation

Halts production

Destroys the next generation

Protects a bunch of pr*cks

and gives those on the recieving end a sense of protection whilst they are, in fact, being screwed.
Dec 16, 2003
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Have just been catching up on the BBC site on the current Labour debacle.

Clive are you suggesting that MP's should be confined to Parliament and the whole place clad in protective latex ;-)
Mar 14, 2005
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Charles Clarke is visiting a condom factory today, his speach has been pre-released

"There are many similarities between this government and condoms - after all a condom:-

Stands up to inflation

Halts production

Destroys the next generation

Protects a bunch of pr*cks

and gives those on the recieving end a sense of protection whilst they are, in fact, being screwed.

So true it's unreal!
Jul 12, 2005
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The questions are from another government security form and are to find out if you can be bribed or controlled by a vice you have.

The last security check I had they asked for your friends name and addresses. then they contact them to ensure you are who you say you are.

Its a shame the MP's don't have to fill in the security forms, it would get rid of a lot of this countries problems in one go
Nov 2, 2005
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It make you wonder after the this week if MP's are asked to fill in questionaires on extra marital activities.

I wonder what their answer would be to the question (have you ever tried to overthrow the parlimentary force)

They to could be blackmailed and forced to commit crimes bet there not.
Mar 14, 2005
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The Houses of Parliament have recently lost a damn good MP in the death of Peter Law (MP for Blaina Gwent). He stood as an Independant as the official Labour line was for an all female shortlist of candidates which ended up with Maggie Jones representing the Labour party at the last election. She was heavily defeated and has now been promoted to the upper house. It is now apparent that as Mr. Law had defected from the Labour party on principle he was approached to stand aside for the official Labour candidate and promised a seat in the upper house. Mr. Law over 30 years had been a staunch and active member of the Labour party. I think he can be classed in the same league as two other good labour MPs ie Hugh Gaskill and John Smith. Incidently I do not live in the Blaina Gwent area and also never voted Labour in my life. However I do admire these three Labour/Independant MPs. The Metropolitan Police are now investigating this slice of possible corruption. Peter Hain has already given a written statement that he, as Welsh Office Minister, knew nothing of the offer of a peerage to Mr. Law.


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