Fors and against being members of both CC and C&CC

Feb 16, 2009
Just joined the C&CC to give it a try, still members of the CC, thought the price for the week a little dear compared to CC site's £140 for seven nights.

Pitch is HWE, had know problem getting in at the week end at this short notice for Saturday the 12th of September, was having problems finding a weekend with the CC.

l attribute this to the rather hefty deposit l had to pay £35 in total, which is non returnable unless you can give good reasons for cancellation, even then its held in their booking web site.

Not so sure l would want to book next year's holidays in advance but it may be good for last minute bookings, say 3 weeks before your due to go, could live with that.

Will give it a try for a year if l find l don't use it has much has the CC l will stop my membership, its served its purpose this time, for £37 membership no real problem.

Anyone been to Scarborough site, is it worth the £140.

I will let you know my thoughts in 3 weeks time, l can compare it with CC Ayton has l stayed their 2 years ago.

Mar 14, 2005
hi not been to the site you are going but been to quite a few ccc sites and they are very good yes you do have to pay a deposit which i think is a good thing as with cc sites you dont and some people dont show up so it spoils it for people wanting a pitch

trevsal is a great site also ebury hill winchcombe

they are always quite at night

have a great hol
Jan 8, 2006
Paying a deposit with the ccc is a very good thing and should and I think will not be long before the cc introduce it. You cant book more than one site with the cc for the same dates. This stopped members booking several sites at various parts of the country a going to the area where the best weather was likely. The latest ploy is to book several weekends and to go away when the weather is favourable, that is why if you look on the webb site you will find most weekends full. This it what I was told a couple of weeks ago on a wet weekend with a lot of empty spaces by the warden.
Dec 23, 2006

How right you are regarding weekends being booked up.

The only solution i can see is to restrict a member to a set number of unused weekend bookings, say three. As one is used then the member can make another booking.

It was suggested in the past to only allow a certain percentage of pitches on each site for wweekend only bookings. However it would still require a limit on the number of weekend bookings per member in advance. Also site occupancy levels differ from site to site and dependant on time of year.

Any ideas from other members on this subject?

May 21, 2008
We have in the past been members of both clubs, but now we go it alone. The main reason for this was that we didn't see any real saving with either club and having found Practical caravan's website, we have all the help we require.

To be honest there is no better reference for any business than a reference from a satisfied customer.

In response to the subject of behavior of cc bookings and deposits.

I am realy not suprised in this day and age that cc members book several weekends just so that they can pick their pitch. It typify's todays attitude of sod u I'm alright jack!!

To combat this the cc and the c&cc need to get their act together and police the bookings. All they need to do is get the wardens to report those members who have booked and not turned up. Then give then the "three stirkes and out" option and stick by it. By that I mean you must make examples of a few wether or not they are commity members or not, to make the iresponsible ones take note. Also for those who don't know how to supervise, oversee, or moderate, keep a list of the excuses as even the most devious will slip and use the same old cherry.

I used to be a supervisor in a company where absence was managed to 5% of its 265 workforce. So for those of you who are not math geniouses, that was 17 people missing in any one day one "full pay sick pay". If a persistant absentee exceeded 5% absence in a rolling 6 month period, they were brought into an availability for work discussion with the supervisor and the HR manager. At which point they could be issued with a verbal recorded warning for their lack of being available for work.

Now I'm not suggesting members are brought to HQ to be disaplined, but if their membership was suspened for a while then maybe we would have some respossability and consideration brought back.

As for paying a deposit, I think it is a good idea and I've never had any problem getting my deposit back as I would have a very genuine and checkable reason for not being able to go.

I'm afraid it is again a case of the 10% who spoil it for the rest.

ATB Steve L.
Feb 15, 2007
I joined the cc in order to get a better deal at my regular caravan site which was taken over by them but unfortunatley i cannot get a pitch there anymore unless i book months in advance,which is no good as i have to go by the weather, i used it for weekends. I also find that the prices you have to pay on the most popular sites are on a par with all other sites unless you don`t want any amenities. When you join a club you should get perks but instead i have paid 333 and can`t use my favorite site i won`t be renewing its a rip off. i also feel sorry for those who want to use these sites which will cost
Feb 15, 2007
I joined the cc in order to get a better deal at my regular caravan site which was taken over by them but unfortunatley i cannot get a pitch there anymore unless i book months in advance,which is no good as i have to go by the weather, i used it for weekends. I also find that the prices you have to pay on the most popular sites are on a par with all other sites unless you don`t want any amenities. When you join a club you should get perks but instead i have paid 333 and can`t use my favorite site i won`t be renewing its a rip off. i also feel sorry for those who want to use these sites which will cost
Oct 10, 2008
The caravan club website is totally useless for booking weekends or full weeks.I think there should be a 50% non refundable deposit for all CC bookings when the booking is made,which might just weed out the block bookers.
Mar 8, 2009
It ain't the web site that's US. It's the fact that there are a lot of caravanners about, and if they book in before you, do you expect them to cancel to let you in? FIRST COME FIRST SERVED, ISN'T THAT THE BRITISH PRINCIPAL OF QUEUING????


We belong to both and feel the membership fee is small compared to the benefits. Yes, the C&CC has a deposit system and a minimum stay at weekends, but it does mean you can usually get what you want even at late stages, which is vastly superior to the CC and the 'hoggers'. We also find the C&CC to be a bit more relaxed than the CC, probably due to the fact there are tenters so you can often see 'real campers' and sympathise if te weather is awful. Don't misunderstand, we like the CC sites but they are expensive in high season compared to many in France and they can be regimented.

I also feel that sooner or later the CC will be forced to introduce some form of control because it has certainly got out of hand. One can only hope that the poor summer will encourage many to go back abroad again next year and allow a few more pitches to become available.
Feb 16, 2009
My first time on a C&CC.

This is our own opinion of my wife and l we felt though very well presented and of good standard the one we stayed at was not up to the CC site's.

We felt the toilet blocks though well maintained were dismally lit and not has furnished as well as CC, the pitch was of Hard Standing with the reinforced grass type, brilliant for pegging the awning down but tendered to fetch grass in when wet.

We were disappointed with the amount of caravans adjacent to us, all within the 6 metre rule but felt rather cramped with vans at the side, at the back and front which caused people to walk between pitches, also we were offered only two pitches to choose from where their were considerable more which we would have preferred, when asked why couldn't choose our own, their answer they had been allocated to the vans awaiting behind us and it was far easier for the wardens to choose one for you.

It may be ok for some but l like to pick the pitch that suits us on the ones that are available at the time, the CC system allows this.

The one thing C&CC allows is a better a chance of booking a site on short notice as long as you don't mind paying a deposit and losing the rest of you costs if you decide to leave early.

There was not much help in advice on the surrounding area for walks, no maps as such like in CC

All in all they are of a good standard but for the wife and l, we prefer CC every time, their doesn't seem to be the same do as we tell you at CC which is surprising.

As l said this is our opinion and l am sure there are plenty that enjoy C&CC, but its back to the CC sites in October
Jan 13, 2009

We've been C&CC members for 13yrs and have tried several sites, some more than once. They've all been quite different and the age of site building's can vary. However they have been managed to a high standard and have been very clean & tidy.

Hope you try a few more sites before writing them off completely. I'm unable to form an opinion on CC sites yet as we haven't been able to get a pitch in our area since joining 10 months ago. We'll probably renew & try again though.
Jun 18, 2008
We have stayed on 7 CC sites this year (plus several CLs) and only one C&CC site. I realise this is not a fair sample of C&CC sites, but I have to say that we were very disappointed with C&CC. The site itself was well kept, though we became a bit surrounded as the site filled up at the weekend. However, the standard of toilets and showers was lamentable in comparison with the generally modern and immaculate CC sites. Not only were the facilities blocks very outdated (more like my memories of scout camps) but were not even very clean. As non-members we paid a pretty high price too - over 20 quid. I truly hope our experience was not representative of C&CC.
Feb 16, 2009
Forgot to say on the site we was on at C&CC they had storage and a system where they fetched it out and sited it for you saving towing, this l thought was a good idea until how l saw how the wardens sited the vans most were sited on unlevel pitches.

This caused a problem for the owners as most fetched their small second car without a tow ball, so the only way they could level would be by jack, lots didn't bother the wife and l had chuckle of how many rolled out of bed.

Also not impressed how they handled the vans, in one case they towed the with the mowers nose well down with the jockey wheel dragging on the floor and its hitch cover not removed just pulled to one side dragging under the jockey wheel ripping it.

At first we thought that this type of storage and sighting would be good but after seeing how they treated the vans no way would we consider it.

Feb 16, 2009
Wood probably agree with that statement Wendy but try telling the wife, ever since she's been back she has not been well stomach wise no mater how l try to convince her she thinks she picked something up out of the shower cubicle can't argue with her she's nursing sister on the district.

l personally would try other sites but to be honest the site did not meet my expectations either, l will not name the site has l feel it still was to a good standard.

One thing l don't agree with is their Chairman saying you don't need to flush men's urinals has often, their was a distinct odour in the gents toilets.

Jan 21, 2014
Sorry NGH, but I fail to see how somebody can pick up something from a shower which has upset their stomach - or am I missing something here?

Granted, we never actually use the site facilites, but I always like to have a look. I can't really say I've ever come across anything offending, though of course I can't comment on mens urinals!!! Lol
Feb 16, 2009
Wendy not saying its the shower cubicle but the wife was not happy with the cleanliness of them, it may just be a coincidence that she has an upset stomach, all l am saying is l prefer CC others may prefer C&CC its your personnel choice in the end.

Jan 21, 2014
I agree Nigel, when we are going somewhere we always look at the CC book first, but if there isn't a site available where we would like to stay, then our second choice is the C&CC - in our opinion it's preferable to a commercial site! :O)


Regardless of who is running the site it is the customers who make the mess. Sometimes this can be accidental, as is the case if there are a lot of children. In other cases some people seem to think that having coughed up the


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