Forum stickies

Mar 14, 2005
Can I ask Moderators and Administrators to review the stickies they have posted at the top of sections. Many are several years old and their value or importance is now questionable. PJL
Mar 14, 2005
There are two in the General section:
The first about competitions was last used over two years ago, and the second about links, is now so old the photos posted are no longer available to be seen.


Nov 12, 2009
Hi Prof
Thanks for bringing this to our attention.
Many of the pictures originally posted to the message boards are no longer visiblble because the picture hosting website that was used changed their policy regarding third party usage.
I've removed the irrelevant comments and non visible pictures from the stickies that you mentioned, but the original sticky posts may still be of value to new members.
Mar 14, 2005
Thanks Steve,

I fully appreciate that some are still relevant, but there were definitely some which have no current value, and are basically taking up space. I assume any that are unstuck, will still be available in the normal way of all other posts.☺


Mar 14, 2005
Whilst some of those stickies may appear irrelevant to seasoned vanners, they are not to new van users and provide background info to help them understand what has been happening and why.

As for "taking up space" that is totally irrelevant. and has not stopped anyone posting on the forum.
Mar 14, 2005
Hello Damian, Parksyand Lizzie,

I more than many understand that some information in the stickies may be of value to some more than others, and I fully support keeping those where that is the case, But specifically and as an example, the sticky in General about competitions was started over 4 years ago, it was about 2013's competition, and the last posting to it was 2 years ago and made the point the competition was closed! This has absolutely no relevance now to anyone, and certainly does not have any need to be a sticky.

I did not make my reference about taking up space clear enough. It was not related to the capacity of the forum to accept new posts, but more about unessesary clutter on the forum pages. Depending on what type and size of device you grow the forum on, clutter can be more of an issue like intrusive adverts.

At times it is important to keep some items at the top of a section, but it's all too easy to forget to check if they are still relevant or currently important. It devalues the concept of the stickies if too many are held as headlines for too long.

All I'm asking is that for the sake of good house keeping the stickies should be regularly reviewed by the Mods and admin, and unstuck if they're past their use by date.

Its not as if the thread will be lost, it will just move to the regular area of the section, and may be found in the normal way be browsing or using the Search function.


Nov 12, 2009
ProfJohnL said:
Hello Damian, Parksyand Lizzie,

I more than many understand that some information in the stickies may be of value to some more than others, and I fully support keeping those where that is the case, But specifically and as an example, the sticky in General about competitions was started over 4 years ago, it was about 2013's competition, and the last posting to it was 2 years ago and made the point the competition was closed! This has absolutely no relevance now to anyone, and certainly does not have any need to be a sticky.

I did not make my reference about taking up space clear enough. It was not related to the capacity of the forum to accept new posts, but more about unessesary clutter on the forum pages. Depending on what type and size of device you grow the forum on, clutter can be more of an issue like intrusive adverts.

At times it is important to keep some items at the top of a section, but it's all too easy to forget to check if they are still relevant or currently important. It devalues the concept of the stickies if too many are held as headlines for too long.

All I'm asking is that for the sake of good house keeping the stickies should be regularly reviewed by the Mods and admin, and unstuck if they're past their use by date.

Its not as if the thread will be lost, it will just move to the regular area of the section, and may be found in the normal way be browsing or using the Search function.

I take your point Prof, and in fact I do take down expired no longer visible pictures from older postings as and when I see them, leaving the text intact of course.
I have to be honest and admit that I hadn't given much thought to older stickies, so thanks for the timely reminder.
As for the particular sticky item that you mentioned that is at the top of the General message board, it's true that the competition has ended but the reference and link to our sister website still works and continues to be promoted via that particular sticky.
I'd removed some irrelevant content from later replies, but Haymarket are gracious to allow all members to post links on the forum message boards to other websites, caravan forums and site review pages, so why shouldn't they be left in peace to promote one of their own site review platforms via the URL in that sticky?


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