French gas cylinders

Oct 26, 2006
We plan to spend a few holidays in France, (just retired), we know we cannot buy Calor over there but would it be an advantage to buy a French cylinder and regulator, then rig it up properly to fit our caravan gas supply?

This would mean an easy method of replacement when away in France on future visits.

Also, are the French bottles, (light blue I think), available in other countries in Europe?

Thanks in anticipation. SS
Jul 15, 2005
Hi SS,

If you are going to France for an extended period, I agree it's a good idea to source a French gas bottle.

But if by "Blue French gas bottles" you mean the Camping Gaz bottles, then that's a very expensive way to buy gas - the best value bottle is the Camping Gaz 907 which holds around 2.6 kg of butane - and costs around the same as a 5 kg Butane for a refill.

But Camping Gaz does have two advantages, you can buy them everywhere, and they make a great BBQ gas bottle.

A better solution for France is to buy a Total / ELf gaz Twinny or similar "full sized" gas bottle from a fuel station. But just like the UK Calor Gas bottles, these are country specific and can't be exchanged or refilled in any other country

Oct 26, 2006
Hello Rob

The bottles I had in mind are the Total type, I think they are a silvery metallic blue colour. I do own a couple of Gaz bottles and I agree they are expensive anywhere.

Can you buy pigtails which will connect these bottles into a new UK van are they easily obtained? Also how do these gas prices compare with UK calor?

Thanks again for your reply SS
Mar 14, 2005
Depends on the size of bottle you get. We have ?6kg Twinny with clip on adapter on our 2005 van (fixed regulator). The regulator fits our pigtails for our butane bottles no prob. If you are unsure what to get I think GasLow sell the clip on regs etc here in the UK
Jul 15, 2005
Hi SS,

I know the bottles you mean - cheapest prices are probably in the hypermarkets. Prices should be comparable or cheaper than the UK.

Agree with Paul, just buy the pigtails from Gaslow or Calor - if you use the Gaslow web-site, navigate to the Products page - High Pressure pigtails - and scroll down to the "International" adaptors.

We bought a Europe Camping Gaz adaptor so our 907 bottle will connect to our Butane pigtail or to the stand-alone 30 mBar regulator for our Foker boiling ring (cooking in the awning). And

Camping Gaz - cheapest in Spain - and by a large margin.



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