French Speed Limits

Apr 9, 2010
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I've just been reading the latest PC mag, and am now confused about French Speed Limits.

The article on first time towing in France seems to suggest the the towing speed limits are based upon Gross Vehicle Weight, with reduced speeds for those over 3.5T.

I had always believed that it is Gross Train Weight not Vehicle Weight that was the determining factor, and that it is potential Train Weight (not actual) that is important

If my understanding is right then many people could be caught out by the different definition implied in the article.

Is there anyone who can confirm which version is correct?


Nov 5, 2006
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Yes you are correct it is the gross train weight of the towing vehicle that determins the lower speed rate when towing
Mar 14, 2005
Yes, the actual text is:
Article R413-8

La vitesse des véhicules dont le poids total autorisé en charge est supérieur à 3,5 tonnes ou des ensembles de véhicules dont le poids total roulant autorisé est supérieur à 3,5 tonnes, à l'exception des véhicules de transport en commun, est limitée à :

1° 90 km/h sur les autoroutes ;

2° 80 km/h sur les routes à caractère prioritaire et signalées comme telles. Toutefois, cette vitesse maximale est relevée à 90 km/h pour les véhicules dont le poids total est inférieur ou égal à 12 tonnes sur les routes à deux chaussées séparées par un terre-plein central ;

3° 80 km/h sur les autres routes. Toutefois, cette vitesse maximale est abaissée à 60 km/h pour les véhicules articulés ou avec remorque dont le poids total est supérieur à 12 tonnes.

4° 50 km/h en agglomération. Toutefois, cette vitesse maximale est relevée à 80 km/h sur le boulevard périphérique de Paris.

Therefore, the lower speed limit applies if the gross vehicle weight of the towing vehicle OR the gross train weight exceed 3.5 tonnes.
Dec 14, 2006
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Or in translation:
Article R413-8

The speed of vehicles with a total authorized weight exceeding 3.5 tonnes or combinations of vehicles with a total weight permitted is greater than 3.5 tonnes, except vehicles of transportation, is limited to:

1 90 km / h on motorways;

2 ° 80 km / h on roads with priority and marked as such. However, the maximum speed is increased to 90 km / h for vehicles whose total weight is less than or equal to 12 tons on dual carriageways;

3 ° 80 km / h on other roads. However, the maximum speed is reduced to 60 km / h for an articulated vehicle or trailer with a total weight of 12 tonnes.

4 ° 50 km / h in urban areas. However, the maximum speed is increased to 80 km / h on the Paris ring road.

Therefore, the lower speed limit applies if the gross vehicle weight of the towing vehicle OR the gross train weight exceed 3.5 tonnes.


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