We recently lost the bottom vent, having taken it off to help cool the fridge while we were in france. Seems we didnt put it back properly and we lost it on our way back. No problem, i thought, they are easy enough to rplace. How wrong can you be? I have tried 3 local dealers and a breakers who either have none or more modern ones that fit with screws along the edges ( ours just has a little grommet thing on the left side) or, i have to buy the whole kit - top, bottom and winter cover. If we were keeping the van, then I wouldnt mind shelling out for a complete set but we are in negotiations currently to trade her in and I dont want to give the dealers any excuse to reduce the p/x that they are offering. If anyone has a spare one lying around, i'll happily pay for it and the postage. The mods have my permission to pass on my e mail address. Mods. I hope i havent broken any forum rules with this post but please delete if I have.