From Sweden with love ;)


Dec 21, 2014
As you all can see my name is Eva and a live i Sweden. I camp (is that a word) with my husband, our two children and our two dogs. We live in a little town a couple of miles from Stockholm, the capitol of Sweden, but we camp (?) all around our country and in other countries in Europe.

Our trailer/caravan is a Kabe, who is very common in Sweden. I enclosing a picture of it. It looks a lot like your caravans (not like an american trailer) but maybe a bit longer and a bit wider.

In the summer of 2015 we have planned to go to Great Britain and now I'm in need of a lot of advice, tips and trixs. Help me, please! :)

(Well, I can't find a way to show you our caravan...I'll work on that).
And.....apologies my english...I'm better in swedish. ;)
Feb 4, 2014
Hi Eva! Welcome to the Forum - your English is very much better than my Swedish!!!

I do hope you get to our shores in your caravan next year, and I look forward to seeing a photo of your unit when you've mastered the uploading technique. Happy caravanning! Do you go out all year round?

Yes, camp is a word commonly used here, but we often refer to 'camping' as holidaying in a tent. Some other Forumites may disagree with me on that point!


Dec 21, 2014
Yes, we "go out" all the year around. We are in the caravan right now and we are going to spend all the Christmas- and New Year holiday here (I have to go home for work a couple of days but the family will stay in the caravan). The caravan stands still right now, and all of the winter, next to a ski-slope (we have a lot of camp sites into ski-slopes in Sweden under the winter). We love to camping under the winter. It's so nice, after a long day in the slope, to sit in the warm caravan with something good in the glas while it's snowing just centimeters from our heads. Total relaxation! :)

Nov 6, 2005
CyberCynth said:
Some other Forumites may disagree with me on that point!
It's the sort of thing that could be debated for ever with as many different opinions as participants - personally I use the term "camping" to include tenting, caravanning, campervanning and motorhoming.

I started in tent and eventually wimped out and slept in something more solid, but the activities are the same.
Jun 20, 2005
Happy Christmas and welcome Eva
I love your Christmas Tree.

Snow too.!
Is your caravan warm and heated?


Nov 12, 2009
Hi Eva, welcome to the forum. Your photograph with the Christmas tree could almost be a Christmas card, it's really nice :)
Aug 9, 2010
Hi Eva and welcome. I have a very old caravan, a Royale Rangemaster, built in 1979. In 2010 we visited Sweden as part of the European Classic Caravan Rally. This took place in Hoor, in the south, and we were one of only two British caravans to make the trip. From these annual rallies, we have made lots of friends in the Camping Veterana of Sweden, lots of whom have classic American cars to tow their classic caravans.
Last year my wife and I visited friends in Sandviken, for two weeks, but sadly, without the caravan. Sweden is a beautiful country with lovely friendly people. Not so sure about the Elks, though! Big ugly brutes.
We will meet some Swedish friends again in 2015 at ECCR near Amiens, in
good luck and enjoy " camping"


Dec 21, 2014
Thank you all for your warm welcome. :kiss:

I'ts my husband who is the photografer, I give him all creds for that.....but I'm the boss so I told him to upload some more pictures for you to see. ;)

The indoor picture are from today (yes, we have it warm and cosy). The other pictures are from our tour in Europe last summer and the summer before. Together with our friends in the Tabbert da Vinci (that brand you recognice, don't you?) we visit Denmark, Germany, Czechia, Austria, Croatia, Italy and France. Loved the warm weather especially the warm nights. That we don't have here in Sweden, and I think the weather in Great Britain is almost the same as in Sweden durin the summer.

If you are interested you can follow the link to my husbands photobucket.
Jan 15, 2011
Welcome to the Forum Eva.
I hope you and your family have a lovely Christmas away with your caravan.
Best wishes Brian


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