Front curtons closed/open

Oct 18, 2009
Will getting borred driving down the motorway I was noticing that there was a lot of vans with there curtons at the front window closed.
Now I expect this must have been asked before so please for give.
It was not all vans but there was a lot, I like mine open as I can just about see right through.
Can I ask two questions in one place?
If not sorry again but may pop up to Scotland and if I dont make it in one go can I pull up in a layby and have a kip in the van for an hour.
Just Reg
Dec 16, 2003
Hi Reg on his own,

If I understand correctly your 1st question is why do some drive with their front blinds/curtains open and some with them closed and your 2nd question is can you pull into a lay-by in Scotland for an hour's nap?

I think the 1st question is just down to personal preference and whether people remember to close them or not. When i tow with the 4x4 i keep front and rear blinds/curtains open as i have a clear rear view, when i tow with the car i can;t see through and just leave the blinds/curtains whichever way they are when i leave. However, having thought about it, when i'm in the car I wonder if i should continue to leave the front rear open to afford 4x4's, van, etc. a slightly improved view which may assist safe overtaking or allow them to see that a) there is a queue of traffic in front of me and b) I ain't causing the queue.

With regards to having a nap in lay-bys, my understanding is that this is perfectly acceptable and we certainly see what looks like napping vanners (as well as picnicing vanners) in lay-bys on our travels in Scotland.

Happy trails.
Aug 14, 2010
We usually have ours closed but it makes no difference to be honest as we have an end wash room and no through vision. This could be the case with others you see on the road.


Nov 12, 2009
When we put our caravan back into storage we always close all of the curtains to prevent sunlight from causing the upholstery to fade. We close the curtains rather than the blinds to preserve the blind spring tension. Our caravan has no through vision because it has an end washroom so we don't bother to open the curtains until we're back on the next site or rally field.
Mar 14, 2005
Depending on which direction yoy are towing and whether the sun is shining - clearly i'm not talking about UK - closed front blind will keep the van interior cooler but may also reflect sun back into your car mirrors. It also depends on how tidy and house proud you are - there are days we have closed ALL the blinds because we got up late and had to move on fast.
Going on ferries and/or crossing borders we leave them all open in the hope of a quick transit rather than a full inspection.
Jan 15, 2008
I always leave mine open except when towing in France especially around the Med where temperatures are higher as it keeps the van cool for when you stop and set up camp.
If you shut the curtains to preserve the springs and cushions then the curtains fade,so best cut cardboard to fit the windows or cheapo widscreen sunblinds.
Jul 22, 2008
i always tow and store with the curtans ope, one for visiblty and the other to show i have nothing to hide inside, we have covered storage and i think if we had outside i would close the curtains to protect the inside bits.


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