Front window catch problem


Feb 15, 2011
Hi we own a Lunar Saros SI 2014 and have an ongoing complaint with the front window catches. The bottom window catches of all three front windows lift in transit! The dealer has twice adjusted and further realigned the catches but even on smooth roads and short distances, they still lift. Clearly, this is a safety concern as the windows could potentially open whilst on the move! Has anyone else come across this problem? Thanks
Mar 14, 2005
Hi Bid
My previous caravan, 2009 Bailey Ranger had a single front window and all three bottom catches would lift whilst travelling, although it had two on the sides that didn't move so always stayed secure. They never fully lifted anyway just to a 45 degree angle. Do yours lift completely? I never mentioned mine to the dealer as there didn't seem to be much they could do.
May 7, 2012
I assume the side windows have the locking catches. If all else fails I would take one off three other windows and swap them with one on each of the front windows. At least that way you will be sure the window cannot fly open and the caravan will be more secure.


Feb 15, 2011
Thanks for your replies. For now we are having to use cable ties. Not very satisfactory. The side windows are not of the locking type and indeed completely different from the front windows. The workshop has asked for yet another look after we complained to the managing director. Its not that they are not trying its just we seem to be going nowhere. We have asked them to contact Lunar to see what they have to say. We will see and will update in due course.
Mar 14, 2005
If your catches are the type where the part on the window is a right angle piece which pivots and then engages between the two vertical projections of the other part which is fixed to the frame, try this.

Close the window and engage the catch. drill a small hole from the outside of one fixed part, through the blade of the pivoting part and out through the second fixed part. then insert a suitable pin. I use the polypins usually used to fix outdoor plastic cladding boards. these have a nice neat white head which is easy to see.

This is a good way of locking the windows against intruders (much cheaper and easier than some of the locks available) and you can lock the windows in the 'night vent' position if you wish.


Feb 15, 2011
Thanks for that Ray I will have a look at the catches tonight to see if this is possible. I will see what the Dealer comes up with first but if they cannot find a remedy I will put this to them as of course I do not wish to do anything that may affect the warranty. I have looked at the window catch locks but they don't make ant that will fit my catches and as you say they are expensive.


Jun 6, 2009
We have exactly the same van as you and had the same problem,the solution is for new windows.this was done last week by our dealer under warranty so I suggest you push for the same.The new windows have locking catches which seem to have solved the problem.



Feb 15, 2011
Hi John and thanks for your reply. We are holiday at the moment and the windows are tied down with table ties at the moment! The van is going back to the dealers on our way home in two weeks and we will be pressing for this in light of your reply. How many attempts did your dealers take before the windows were replaced and how long did the whole process take? Did the dealers do this off their own backs and contact Lunar or did you have to push them to contact Lunar? Are the dealers near Oxford, Swindon or Reading by any chance? Sorry for so many questions but it is best to have as much information as you can. We will post how we do in due course.

Nick and Deb


Jun 6, 2009
Hi Nick,the problem was sorted out by our dealer,Grantham Caravans,they put the initial warranty claim in with Lunar.The response from them was to send new catches,this was after the dealer had tried to adjust them,the problem with the new catches was that you cannot change them so back to Lunar who agreed to change all three front windows.It took a while to resolve the problem firstly with the new catches them waiting for the new windows,Grantham pushed for delivery of the windows because we go to France this Friday for two weeks.I must admit Lunar did not argue when they realised new windows was the only option.Please quote our problem which was identical to yours to your dealer and you should have no problem.
All this aside,we both love the van,



Feb 15, 2011
Hi John and thank you for the information which is very helpful which we will definitely use when we meet with our dealer. We will post how we get on.

Nick and Deb


Feb 15, 2011
Hi it would seem that Lunar have now come up with a cheaper way of resolving my problem than by replacing the three front windows. They are going to replace the catches with locking ones. I think this may be more of a problem than admitted. They have only just been fitted so only time will tell if they work. I have told the dealers that if this does not work I want the windows replaced as others have had done. Lunar have been so advised. Watch this space.

Nick and Deb


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