GB stickers - Help

Mar 12, 2007
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Hello everyone,

Having read this forum for a while thought I would join and say a big hello! Was hoping someone might be able to help me with a bit of a conundrum.

I'm planning to tow in France but need a GB sticker. Are there any legal requirements for this in terms of colour, size? I've seen some oval shaped ones, some square, some with silver letters and some black! Don't want to buy a illegal one if there are requirements for it.

Sep 13, 2006
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If you have a modern number plate with the GB inside the stars you do not need one in the Europe (or anywhere?).

If you have chosen to sport a national emblem or something else instead of this you still need the sticker.

I am 90% certain on this and last time I went to France did not bother with stickers but if I am wrong someone please correct me.
Aug 4, 2005
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Hi Johnny and welcome to the forum.

I don't think there is any specific legislation re shape of G.B sticker. I checked out the Caravan Club website and they refer only to G.B. sticker.

The A.A.'s website says:

"GB sticker

compulsory, and failure to comply could result in an on-the-spot fine.

Euro-plates - number plates that include the GB euro-symbol - have been legal since March 2001 and make display of a conventional sticker unnecessary within the EU.

In some countries outside the EU a conventional sticker is required even if you have euro-plates, so it is always safer to display one."

Every time I've booked car & caravan with ferry I've received free G.B. stickers as well.

Jul 31, 2006
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I seem to remember that there was a "legal" size & shape for the GB sticker, however, as long as the vehicle has some form of identity for the country of origin, its been my experience that the "authorities" (police or customs, in France, Holland, Germany, Austria & Italy) will accept any sort of identity, be it the oval sticker, chrome letters (GB) or euro plates.

Personally, even though my cars now always have euro plates I always use an oval sticker as well, placed on the nearside of the rear screen, that way it's always visible, warns the locals you're a tourist, and that on my return it's a doddle to get back off!

Mar 14, 2005
The GB (or any other national) sticker must be oval with black letters on a white background to be legal.

The exemption from the need for a GB sticker in conjunction with Euro number plates applies only to travel within EU countries, Norway, Iceland, Switzerland and Liechtenstein. Note, however, that they must be true Euro plates with 12 stars in a circle and a GB underneath. Union Jacks, Welsh or Scottish flags or other national symbols are not acceptable alternatives outside the UK without an additional GB sticker.
Dec 16, 2003
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If you don not have the GB euro number plate you need the GB sticker as Lutz has said. If you are visitor to the UK driving a UK car on say and Australian driving license you should have a GB and a AUS sticker or a GB and NZ sticker if you come from New Zealand.

A lot of Police in Europe are not to bothered providing you have the right papers, the one Police force that is likely to take you task are the Germans.
Mar 14, 2005
Can you say where you got the information from concerning a sticker required to show which country issued your driving licence? All information that I have ever seen refers only to a requirement to show the country of registration of the vehicle, which is logical, as the police would use only the information to be able to trace the owner.

An AUS or an NZ in addition to a GB on the back of a UK registered car on the Continent would only confuse. Besides, what if it's a couple, one an Australian, the other a New Zealander and they both want to drive?

I have seen UK cars with an AUS or an NZ on the back but that was only a lighthearted sign of pride for their country, not out of necessity. In fact, strictly speaking, I think it is illegal, just as it is illegal to attach a foreign number plate to your car in a place where it could be confused with the proper one.
Dec 16, 2003
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May be the law has changed but not to my knowlege. A friend from Australia bought an English car and was advised that he needed both stickers.

HE decided being a proud Aussie to remove the GB sticker and got pulled by the German police as he had no GB sticker. He got a GB sticker and his friends travelling with him removed the Aus sticker to wind him up, a month later whilst going to a race at the Nurbergring he was inviolved in a minor incident and was then in trouble with the German police as they said he needed an AUS sticker as he was not an English driver and they were not very polite about it, when he tried to make his point they affered to escort him to the nearest border!

Another friend from NZ drives a UK truck and has had the same during a checks in Germany, he's driven all over Europe but when stopped in Grermany he has been advised three times that he should also have a sticker for his own country as well as GB!
Feb 8, 2007
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Good old Walter, sorry cris, has a friend for every situation possible to man; reading back through some of his posts always makes me smile.

Go on tell us another one.

Berty... :)
Dec 16, 2003
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Twerpy, Sorry Berty.

You may not have many friends, but I work in a very friendly line of business so business aquaintances are "friends".

Aussie friend is an Aussie cousins brother inlaw who is a racing fanatic had the experience about 8 years ago, my truck driving friend drives for car racing people at times and also does eauropean truck delivery work and as said has had the same in more recent times.


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