Until this weekend I firmly believed in global warming and that we were all doomed. Then I saw our Tony in Switzerland delivering his (or one of his ) swansongs.
He was aluding to the fact that it was probable that George W. was going to sign America up to son of Keoto. So that way they could share swansongs, go down in history as the good guys and that we would all forget Iran, the Home Office, Education Education, Education, What used to be called Pensions ect ect.
Now is it me?
As soon as I heard that I immediatly conclude that Global Warming is something invented by a Mandleson look alike for just this sort of eventuality.
So why is the world getting hotter? After listening to polititions for years you stop thinking that there must be another reason.
Could it be that the answer lies in the soil and with each year more leaves fall, animals do what animals do and the muck biulds up and up. So there you have it, over the millions of years that the world has been around it has been getting bigger so we are getting closer to the sun.!!!
Well do you realy believe that Tony is going to save the world??
He was aluding to the fact that it was probable that George W. was going to sign America up to son of Keoto. So that way they could share swansongs, go down in history as the good guys and that we would all forget Iran, the Home Office, Education Education, Education, What used to be called Pensions ect ect.
Now is it me?
As soon as I heard that I immediatly conclude that Global Warming is something invented by a Mandleson look alike for just this sort of eventuality.
So why is the world getting hotter? After listening to polititions for years you stop thinking that there must be another reason.
Could it be that the answer lies in the soil and with each year more leaves fall, animals do what animals do and the muck biulds up and up. So there you have it, over the millions of years that the world has been around it has been getting bigger so we are getting closer to the sun.!!!
Well do you realy believe that Tony is going to save the world??