Scouting and Guiding are extremely relevant in today's world, possibly even more so than when the movements started. Getting more young people involved may, no, will, help to produce a better society.
It proves that there is an interest in and a belief in the relevance of Scouting by younger people, or perhaps initially their parents, because there are waiting lists over most of the country especially for Beavers and Cubs. These lists are are difficult to reduce because of a lack of leaders. Having said that, the number of leaders here in the Derby area is increasing year by year but not at the same rate as applications to join the sections. Unless there is a certain number of leaders to young people then groups can't expand. It is important that there are sufficient numbers of leaders in each of the sections, (Beavers, Cubs and Scouts), as, without the right numbers, the Beavers can't go up into Cubs and Cubs can't go up into Scouts and the momentum is lost. I think I'm right in saying that the number of Scouts joining as Scouts is far lower than the number that have come up from the other sections but once they are in the Scouting movement the vast majority thoroughly enjoy themselves and get a lot out of it and stay for many years, often to their early twenties and beyond.
I don't know a lot about Guiding so I can't really comment but it is interesting that it appears that there are as many girls joing Scouting from Beavers upwards as there are joining Guiding.
So, to answer the questions, yes Scouting and Guiding is relevant today. It is changing and evolving and has done over the years although personally I believe some of the changes are not for necessarily for the best, (eg climbing a tree was something that a Scout used to have to be able to do but now it is banned). Yes I would encourage anyone to join, and that includes adults as leaders and yes, I do volunteer as part of a Scout Active Support Unit. Perhaps you should give it a go, you may be surprised at what you have been missing.