Had A Bit Of Good News All This Week

Apr 11, 2005
Hi every one as a lot of you now I been do CAD at college.

Well on Monday I did the solid bit of level 3 3D and past that and Tuesday did the sure bit but failed that on one bit but on Wednesday did sure again and past it and to day I did the on line test and past that.

I a bit lost what to do nest as they are say that I dun the cores and past all the test to do with it but they would like to see me go but the thing is that I got funding till Dec to use and a work place met as well to do.

Yes I would like a job but I can not see the point y I shod past my bit of time a way when I cud be look for work and do some other bits that mite help me get a job and get help with my dislexser.
Aug 25, 2006
Good on you,Mark.

I`m now at the age when I wish I had really done something worthwhile. You can never have too much education or skills.

Best of luck with what you do next.
Apr 13, 2005
keep it up mark, i have allways had the attitude that i can do anything that i want and by putting my mind to it i have been successful up to now.

Keep up the hard work and you too can do anything. well done.
Mar 14, 2005
Well done Mark - I admire you. I worked in a drawing office and/or teaching all my life and cannot for the life of me do CAD or AutoCAD. Keep up the good work and all the best for the future.
Mar 27, 2005
Hi Mark

Well done mate. It just proves its never to late. I am almost finished many years of study to gain a Bsc (hon) degree at the ripe age of forty eight so to all you folk out there- it's never too late.

Out of interest (and ignorance) what is CAD?
Feb 11, 2007
What is computor aided design? i do not wish to be awkward but when i left school they just about got the hang of making nuclear fission
Mar 14, 2005
Computer Aided Draughting is where all design and drawing work is done on computer whether it be architectural or engineering. It is also used in food technology for cake decoration and textile industry for material design. Autocad is the most popular form of CAD used in design and can be either Autocad Light (a simpler more basic form of drawing) or the full Autocad. Beauty of it is ease of alteration, storage of files, standard details readily available and not require drawing each time, if client is on modem the drawing can be forwarded to them without the use of postage, etc.
Aug 29, 2006
Well done Mark.

Can you not do a higher grade course? or get workplace training.

Whatever you do good luck.

Apr 11, 2005
Hi every one and thank you for the congratulations.

I would like to go on and do Autodesk inventor which is a 3D model tool which as not been out long but its take other the other ones on the market and not a lot of people do not now how to use it right with it be new and there is not a lot place that are teach it as well.

But I been told I shod thick off leaving and let some one els have a chance as I dun the cores and the test but I do not won't to as I still got funding and time to use and a job place ment which I got to find (hint hint Lisa) which I have told finding and that mite be the only way that I mite offend a job in the end.

I thick of going and see my DA and see what she thick that would be best for me.

Mar 13, 2007
hi mark

add my congratulations to the list.well done mate. keep it up and if you do get the opportunaty to go further go for it.

try the O.C OR OU they might have a course you can do at home.

all the best

Jul 5, 2005
Congratulations Mark, you should feel very proud of your acheivements and the amount of effort you have had to put in.

take care, Mark (",)


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