Harrison Awnings

Nov 12, 2009
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Yep, newbie question time again, when i bought my caravan there was an almost new Harrison full length awning thrtown in (literally) as part of the deal. as i haven't had the opportunity to get out and erect it yet, can anyone give some feedback on the quality, good, bad points re them.

cheers in advance.
Mar 8, 2007
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My apologies for not replying to this topic earlier.

Harrison Awnings are still in business and are manufactured in Bristol.

As I have never owned one I can't pass judgement, but when I went about looking for awnings a few years back, I felt that quality wise they were up there along side the Bradcots and Doremas.

Hope this helps with your concerns and you find the awning to your satisfaction when you eventually get around to using it,

best regards, Martin
Jan 7, 2008
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Harrison Awning.

S.T.Harrisons came from Bristol and as far as I know folded in the not too distant past. I think that I'm correct in saying that the Harrison awning,now comes under the 'Royal'brand, but is no longer manufactured in the UK.

I own a four year old Harrison Supreme awning. The quality of this is pretty good, maybe slightly old-fashioned against some, but a perfectly respectable awning. I am not qualified to comment on the newer ones. The only annoyance with ours, was the awful instruction leaflet (photocopied badly) and not worth the paper it was written on. Sad to see yet another manufacturer fall by the way.
Mar 8, 2007
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I thought they were still in business, as they still havr their own website www.harrisonawnings.co.uk

I have not checked this as of yet as my works computer does not let me access external sites

best regards, Martin


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