Hello Everyone...I need your help!

Jun 30, 2015
Hello, I am traumatised that my lovely, retro all renovated little Cosalt Piper van is now a project! We bought her two years ago, started to notice the internal roof panel rotting away on both sides of the central section...removed the roof panels and oh my god...almost the full run of both internal, side timbers are black??? And the air vent/roof light...how on earth would you go about sourcing the side roof timbers to start, they have a curve to them, then how on earth would you replace them without taking the whole shell off?? It seems the van was all resealed without anyone checking the timbers...some has even just flaked away it is that rotten.The timber look to be nailed in from the outside of the roof...we have a new baby and this was our only hope for holidays....how do you upload photos, I could show you? Any help would be great, I joined caravan talk but no has helped on there! Thank you in advance! Kelly
Mar 14, 2005
First to upload pictures. Upload each picture to one of the host sites such as photobucket or flickr then copy the IMG link from your host site and paste it on this forum.
Your framework timbers are probably 25mmx25mm. To get curved ones for the roof line, you will need to get a length of timber which is 25mm thick, but at least 150mm wide. Then the curve will need to be copied onto the board, and a curve 25mm wide cut with a power jigsaw or a bandsaw. You will get several pieces from the same board, depending on its length.


Nov 12, 2009
Click Here for our guide to adding pictures to your posts.
Sorry to leant that you have caravan problems but there is plenty of expertise on this forum so if you need advice just ask, and good luck :)
Apr 7, 2008
Hello smiley_kells

Most things can be done but sometimes miracles do take a bit longer to achieve ;) post your photos and advice will be given, quite a few on here have done some quite extensive repairs ....

Follow Parksys advice re: Photobucket

This will help you by explaining how to put photos on the forum..

When you upload a photo to photobucket you then need to click on the link at the side of the word Direct, it will highlight and quickly say copied ..

When you click on the tab to insert a photo you need to remove the htpp:// before you paste your link into that box


The box will then look like this ...


Then put a size into the box for the photo size and past the link into the box below.


Just remember that when you click insert it will put the photo were the cursor is .....

shout up if you need more instructions ;)
Jun 30, 2015
Thank you so much for your help already, I will try the photobox thing today! Something that will probably make you all squirm is that I have taken the cladding off by cutting around the cupboards etc and was hoping that by saving it to make new templates that would be ok? I have jo help you see and the cupboards etc seem like the entire strength of the structure as they are on all three sides and glued in with something super strength...I'll try to get those photos up today and I plan on making a drawing of the roof battens as they are, then it is those curved edges...I read on another forum that someone used cardboard to make a template of the curve? Could you do this using the shape from the outside of the van? Many thanks
Mar 14, 2005
smiley_kells said:
Could you do this using the shape from the outside of the van?

Yes! That should work. You might have something a bit more substantial if you used hardboard rather than cardboard. Cut a trial piece then compare the inside contour against it.
Jun 7, 2011
Terrible experience to have. I trust and hope you have the appropriate skills and experience to make good.
And the cost may be higher than van worth !
Not that I can help, as useless with tools since they advent of the electronics age.
Interesting that I have seen a good looking older van advertised in local shops and post office, going for £900.
Jun 20, 2005
Hi Kelly
Don't panic. New timbers can be easily and cheaply machined if you know someone with the right tools. A friendly cabinet ,
Maker or joiner can make replacement timbers provided you have carefully preserved the remnants of your originals , taken pictures and taken accurate measurements. Carefully made cardboard patterns can also be made.

It is essential during the rebuild to use a
Stainless steel fixings and the correct sealants. .Our Damian v
Can best advise on sealants. Obviously all replacement timbers should be
carefully primed.
If you live near Cirencester I know an old dog who has the tools to prepare the timber B)
Jun 30, 2015
Thank you once again your optimism is inspiring! Truly! I have created a Photobucket account but can't. Transfer my photos so will have to take some more tomorrow. The van is about 15ft in length without the a frame so does anyone have a clue as to what I could expect to pay for the curved frames, both sides are needed and it has two layers on each....I think I'll save asking about removing the shell until I'm there...one step at a time
Jun 23, 2015
(a) Welcome to a great and informative forum

(b) I am sure you find the members very helpful and friendly horde, full of life’s experience and willing to share.

(c) I hope to see you here on regular basis.
Jun 30, 2015
Good morning! I wrote do much more than that last night but it seems to have cut my message short...probably a good thing because I am a natterer!
Jun 30, 2015
The same thing just happened re length of my post, I wrote a few things, asked a few questions. Is there a limited number of characters per post?


Nov 12, 2009
Good morning Kelly, as far as I'm aware there are no limits to how many characters you can add. It's important to remember to click on 'Submit' rather than 'Preview' or 'Cancel' :)
This has caught me out from time to time and it can be frustrating to have written a lengthy comment only for it to disappear into cyberspace if you inadvertently click on a wrong option button. :)
Jun 30, 2015
Thanks Parksy, will try again when I have a minute :) the main thing was how I go about finishing off the template for the curved battens. I can use the curve of the roof, (external) to get the top curve but I'm unsure of how to work out the angle to get the bottom line to complete the template, I'm sure you wouldn't just do this freehand? Re buying a new van I have seen a 4 berth Sprite for £1250 in Peterborough and thought about cutting my losses but 'Dotty' coat me £1650 without water barrels, electric hook ups etc so I'm hoping the repairs will be most cost effective...I though maybe around £400 in materials...my time however...well it us a good job that I'm free :blink: Is my estimate realistic? :)


Nov 12, 2009
Your question regarding the estimated cost is one of those ''How long is a piece of string'' questions I'm afraid :lol:
If you consider the caravan that you already have to be worth saving and restoring then it would be foolish to invest more money in buying a different caravan because you could end up with something equally as bad if not worse. The materials to completely eliminate damp issues are unlikely to cost £1250 but whether to proceed with repairs or not would depend on the remaining fixtures and fittings. Are they in good order? Do all the electrics, both 12v and 230v work correctly? Has a gas check been carried out to test things like the gas heater and hot water heater if fitted?
If you can tick most of the boxes and have the necessary skills, the time and the tools to complete the job, or would be prepared to pay somebody to carry out work that you can't do, then it's a no brainer because you will ultimately own a caravan with no damp, no serious problems and you'll quite literally know your caravan inside out. There is a wealth of advice available on the internet and forum users have themselves done substantial damp repairs and have posted pictures of the work. If you need to see any give me a shout after next week (I'm going away in our caravan for a week on Saturday) and I'll try to rustle some up for you.
Jun 30, 2015
Hello I've been trying to upload photos to no avail so think I'll have to actually take them using Photobucket rather than trying to upload them to it. Thought getting the photos was the next step really so that you could see what I was talking about. I have spoken to a Joiner and he thinks that replacing the curved sides in pieces, I.e. The parts that have rotten opposed each entire length of timber is the beat option? Any thoughts on this? Many thanks :cheer:


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