Just joined having been a subscriber for some years.
Joined because I read in the latest PC magazine of the "now defunct Stealth" - which is the first I've heard of it, and cannot find any reference to it either online or, indeed, in my past issues of PC ! Can anyone shed light on this? I'd considered this briefly as a replacement for our Challeger 530 but my wife wasn't keen on the styling, though I rather liked it.
We have a Conqueror 570 twinned with a BMW X535 (the twin-turbo version) - if anyone wants a recommendation for a tow car, I'd happily plug the X5 - it's our second and you can tow all day without even knowing there's a van on the back....not the world's most economical, mind, but we love it. The van is about 18 months old, the odd niggly problem - we had to move quick to buy it as Swift have, for some reason, gone down the route of the slide-out central table and the latest ones are FAR TOO SMALL - will somebody, somewhere, please tell Swift that they should re-instate the old "folding version" or, at the very least, enlarge the size of the slide-out section !
Joined because I read in the latest PC magazine of the "now defunct Stealth" - which is the first I've heard of it, and cannot find any reference to it either online or, indeed, in my past issues of PC ! Can anyone shed light on this? I'd considered this briefly as a replacement for our Challeger 530 but my wife wasn't keen on the styling, though I rather liked it.
We have a Conqueror 570 twinned with a BMW X535 (the twin-turbo version) - if anyone wants a recommendation for a tow car, I'd happily plug the X5 - it's our second and you can tow all day without even knowing there's a van on the back....not the world's most economical, mind, but we love it. The van is about 18 months old, the odd niggly problem - we had to move quick to buy it as Swift have, for some reason, gone down the route of the slide-out central table and the latest ones are FAR TOO SMALL - will somebody, somewhere, please tell Swift that they should re-instate the old "folding version" or, at the very least, enlarge the size of the slide-out section !