Mar 13, 2007
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robbo1088 said:
Hi Colin wonder if u can help me please on wiring for fleetwood garland
hi Robbo.
since your last post i have been trying to find a schematic for the fleetwood without joy, you can however do it without one if you are carefull.
you do not say which part of the wiring is shot.
this comes in 5 catagories
black plug and roadlights
grey plug and connections
12v system from battery
charging circuit
230v mains
each or all of these systems can be replaced but it is better to do one at a time in a systematic manner.
you will need. a couple of rolls of the correct coloured gauge wire. a box of assorted ends, soldering iron. and shrink tube.
oh and a camera.
the most important at this stage is the camera take photos of everything. where the wires come from what colour they are. where they go, which connectors go where. what connects to what on back of switches.ect ect. and use these as a reference guide during the work.

I think that is as far as I can go just now without more information on what you intend to do.


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