Hidden Agendas'

Nov 12, 2009
my wee lass has recently dropped some subtle hints that she would be able to give me a better shave each morning if she used an open razor. i dont see the problem with her using the disposables she buys for me, and she makes a fine job each day to keep me looking as i should, georgeous.

do any of you guys ( or wummin) use this type of razor, my fear is that she could inflict an injury to her hand or fingers, im only trying to look out for her.

Mar 26, 2008
I think you lie Highlander :)

I bet she could use it to cut "anything" off you that she wanted if you were to offend her good nature one day ;-)

Best stick to a safety razor or there could be another annoying high pitched whine from Scotland to accompany the bag pipes.
Nov 12, 2009
ah, sadie. it was that annoying high pitched whine that drove fear intae countless enemies when the scots boys led the troops intae battle ( as usual), made them scitter their pants and the job was done.
Mar 26, 2008
Ay that's very true Highlander.

But there's a vast difference between the chilling scurl of the pipe across the battle field and hardened Scots troops a dirk at the ready should they run out of bullets or a bayonet snap compared to the high pitched Inmanesque whine of a fresh new eunuch ;-)


May 25, 2009

I spent a year at RAF Sharjah. Nobody shaved on Saturday or Sunday, but went down to the camp barber (staffed by Indians) for haircut shave and shampoo on Sunday evening. Shave was by cut-throat razor, and absolutely wonderful. Cost was a Ruppee, which I think was the equivalent of one and sixpence (about 8 pence in new money ???)

I assume the barber .... and your daughter .... knew how to keep their razors sharp?

The RAF Sharjah shower block was fed by salt water, so ordinary soap didn't work. Everybody had a bottle of shampoo, which did lather. And there was NO hot water. One day it rained (and how). Imagine 200 blokes standing in the rain, stark naked, having their first fresh water shower in months.

Jan 19, 2008

I spent a year at RAF Sharjah. Nobody shaved on Saturday or Sunday, but went down to the camp barber (staffed by Indians) for haircut shave and shampoo on Sunday evening. Shave was by cut-throat razor, and absolutely wonderful. Cost was a Ruppee, which I think was the equivalent of one and sixpence (about 8 pence in new money ???)

I assume the barber .... and your daughter .... knew how to keep their razors sharp?

The RAF Sharjah shower block was fed by salt water, so ordinary soap didn't work. Everybody had a bottle of shampoo, which did lather. And there was NO hot water. One day it rained (and how). Imagine 200 blokes standing in the rain, stark naked, having their first fresh water shower in months.

Quote . "Imagine 200 blokes standing in the rain, stark naked, having their first fresh water shower in months".

I did imagine it 602 and it didn't turn me on at all ... infact it's put me off my porridge .. heh! heh! heh! ;O)


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