Hounded by insurance co.

Oct 19, 2007
Hoping you can help.

On May 18th at noon our car insurance expired. We were sent the renewal premium, but it had gone up from £400 to £530.00. When we queried this they said this was the rate, take it or leave it. We went to a comparison website and got another insurance on the same terms for £400.

I called them to advise we had gone elsewhere and they told me my wife who is the policy holder would have to cancel the policy - which we had not renewed!! I asked them to call back to speak to my wife in the evening and they refused.

We cancelled the direct debit at the bank for the previous insurance company as we had paid all monies due, and started the new insurance on the afternoon of the 18th May 2010.

Since which time we have received several letters informing us that they need us to set up a new Direct Debit Instruction or make alternative payment arrangements. When I spoke on the phone to them they said if we continue not to pay they will send a debt recovery agency on us.

We have not sent them anything to suggest we want the insurance to continue and moreover I am concerned our address will be blacklisted. It is the attitude that has got to me more than anything and I would appreciate your views please.
Mar 24, 2009
I would simply put it in a letter, quoting all ref numbers and phone calls etc, and let that be an end to it.

Obviously keep a copy of your letter and let them get on with it.

End of....
Jun 4, 2011
Check your reminder letter as it would probably have said that the Policy would automatically be renewed by your due date if they haven't heard from you before the renewal date. It is this element that they will be trying to force on you.

However you should have a cooling off period of 14 days in which to reject the policy, which you appear to have done with your phone calls and cancellation of the Direct Debit. This is a requirement under the Consumer Protection (Distance Selling) Regulations 2000.

As Chris has pointed out keep a record of all correspondence.

I personally would give your local Trading Standards department (Consumer Direct) of your council for their advice.

I had a bad experience a couple of years ago and the Trading Standards people were brilliant and provided excellent advice and even followed it up a couple of weeks later to see how I had got on. Further advice can be obtained on the consumerdirect.gov.uk website.
Oct 19, 2007
You are absolutely right BigS - my wife spoke to them this morning. The policy has to be cancelled by the policy holder as it is automatically renewed. The policy was still "live" but I wonder what would have happened if there had been an accident and the direct debit had been stopped?

Anyway, as we are within the 14 day cooling off period she was able to cancel it. A salutory lesson for all.

Thanks for your help.
Mar 10, 2006

Why don't you take out the policy in both names?

Then they have to talk to both of you.

Hastings direct do the automatic renewal, or did when i used them, its in the paper work, if you don't want the auto renewal you have to tick a box, or let them know.

I didn't like that aspect of the policy so no longer use them.
Aug 20, 2009
Definitely a good call to not renew with them. If they're that obnoxious about a renewal just imagine what might happen in the event of a claim !!

I've been with one company now for 6 years. I just give them the cheapest quote from a well known comparison site come renewal time and they match it.
Aug 4, 2004
To put this in perspective. You are disputing the debt etc, therefore they cannot send a debt collection agency around. Send them a written letter by recorded mail for a signature stating that you advised them that you would not be renewing your contract with them therefore the debt is in dispute. Also tell them that you do not want any representative for the company calling at your address and that you want everything in writing.

They cannot blacklist your address until it goes to county court and a CCJ is awarded against you but you are a very long way from this so I would not worry and they will probably give up once they get your letter.

They are playing on your ignorance of the law and hoping that you will roll over and pay up.

If you are still concerned post on www.consumeractiongroup.o.uk for more advice. If you want some advice off forum please ask Parksy to give you my email address. Unfortunately I got this t-shirt a few years back but stood my ground and it disappeared.

I think you will find my advice is sound. Do not let them get to you.


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