Hurn Lane CC Site

Jan 12, 2009

We are off on our second trip in our new caravan to Hurn Lane CC Site, Burnham On Sea and wanted to know if any of you had been there and could tell me what it is like.

What are the approach/entrance roads like.

I just hope that this weather improves.


Sam x
Feb 15, 2006
hi sam we stayed there a couple of years ago. its okay we pitched on grass a few pitches away from the play area never again. there was a family opposite us that made there kids play cricket and football by our new van and car at the time. They wouldnt let them play by there new motorhome you see. we went to see the warden and they said kids will be kids what can we do. well i wasnt impressed with that so we packed up threw the awning in the van and i mean threw and moved to a pitch next to the loos on the grass. Theres no dog walk on site and you need the car if you go out. try not to pitch on the back area because it backs onto i think unity farm and they have a tractor bus thing that picks the drunks up from the clubhouse on a night and its loud. the road from the main road is okay apart from the last bit before the site but its not impossible.

the site could be nice if it was run by wardens who follow the cc rules.

i have kids of my own but theres a place to play ball games.



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