I got run over last night - sympathy please


Mar 14, 2005
I was walking across a car park, past some cars and a woman in a Merc just reversed into me. I quickly moved so she didn't actually hit me hard. She must have been sitting in the car for a while because she didn't get into it whilst I walked across the car park.

I moved to her drivers side door and asked her to wind her window down. (I had to tap on the window, she had no idea I was there). After a few choice words from me, she said she didn't see me. (She was wearing her glasses on her head. I politely suggested she actually wear her glasses for the purpose they were intended next time rather than wear them on her head).

She simply wound her window up and drove off.

Good job it wasn't a small child walking behind her car.

Aug 12, 2005

You certainly have my sympathy. I see this kind of thing all the time. People drive around car parks as if there was no one else there. When I learned to drive (** years ago) I was taught to reverse into spaces if at all possible so that you had better visibility on exit.

Mar 14, 2005
Years ago my mate was a lorry driver, one day he was backing this lorry in to the yard, as the same time a old boy just got off this bike and park it on the kerbside, my mate said you can't park there, I trying to get in to the yard, the old boy said ah ya ok, and left this bike there, as the same time my mate run over this bike, oh hell there was a row, Then come a long a policemen on this bike, [Yes we did have them in those day] now now he said what going on, so my mate said I told him not to park this bike there as I was backing the lorry in to the yard, So said the policeman to the old boy it your fault for parking there in the first place, the lorry diver gave you a warning about your bike, Then the policemen said to my mate, go on ****** off, as my mate start up this lorry and went forward, The policeman said STOP, you just run over my bike, and my mate reply I did't see you park your bike there in the first place in front of my lorry, while I was having a row with the old boy, So that was two bikes ruin in one day, oh those were the good old days, Happy Caravaning Trevor
May 5, 2005
some old boy reversed into our car as he 'didnt see us' not much damage but a pushchair? should these people have a licence its a good job you are fit to move quickly


Jan 12, 2008
Years ago I was pulled up by a policeman on a push bike at the bottom of a rather steep bridge. I was riding a motorbike and he thought I was too young but I was all legal. Whilst he was grilling me a rather fast decrepid car came past and up the bridge hit a bump which dislodged his spare wheel from the back of the car which bounced all the way back and smashed into the coppers push bike doing quite a bit of damage to the rear wheel.

I thought this was rather funny but the policeman didn't seemed to agree so he then decided to give my motorbike a thorough examination and decreed that my front brake wasn't good enough and I was eventually fine
Aug 13, 2007
Whilst in my brother in laws MG TF we got pulled by the Police last summer. As it was a nice day we had the roof down.

The copper came up to me & said do you know why I have pulled you I said no. He said using a mobile phone whilst driving.

When I pointed out that my BIL was driving & that it was a left hand drive car the copper couldnt get away quick enough
Feb 15, 2006
oh i hope you are lisa. im not surprised it was a women. im sure my post will have a reaction but alot of lady drivers are terrible as are the elderly and white van man. two women today in the wrong lanes chopping and changing without signalling.

white van man did the same and nearly wrote the front end of the santa fe off.

then to top it off this old fella did it in his mondeo and do you know what he was that crippled he couldnt even see us in his mirror because he couldnt turn his head fully to look. his time is up he should hang his keys up and us his free bus pass. people like them 4 today will cause accidents just like the women in the merc.



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