Insurance Renewal



As only you know what you wish to cover then the best answer is to either do online quotes from those that offer, and call those that do not. You have no obligation to accept any of them, although you may get a few calls 'begging' you to 'give us a go'. If you are over 50 then include Saga. However, I still feel that a reasonable amount of good cover will have a reasonable premium, and most brokers are using the same Companies, so often the diffeence is relatively small. You do not get 'owt for nowt' as they say, and even bargains may only last the 1st year.
Feb 7, 2010
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I think I must have gone to nearly every company in the last 3 months for my insurance. I ended up getting it through the C & CC they actually worked out
Apr 20, 2009
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Within the last few days I have been through this exercise and have stayed with the CC. For me, Saga was more costly and others demanded levels of security that I am not prepared to endure. I accept I pay a little more but can leave the ball and chain at home.


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