ISP provider

Mar 14, 2005
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Hi everybody, Just thought I'd let everybody know of my recent nightmare. I thought that paying AOL £300 a year was a little expensive, but the service was good. I decided to sign up for the Talktalk package. As a result I have had no internet connection for the last six weeks. The software has not worked and I have spoken to the Indian call centre for over 5 hours in total and that's after listening to Thunderclap Newman for an interminable length of time waiting to be answered. My neighbour has spent a lot of the weekend sorting me out and had to download the drivers for the modem from the internet. (His connection.) I think the reason for all this has been the fact that talktalk have been overwhelmed by the demand. If you are thinking of signing up, just be aware that you could be waiting a long time. My wait has been 4 months! Best wishes, George Tucker.
Nov 2, 2005
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I hope your not paying them while your waiting. As you say they are your service provider, so if there not providing you the service you don't pay them.
Jul 16, 2006
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Same here mate. I changed from tiscali to talk talk nearly three months ago. I am still waiting and having to use very expensive dial up at 56k. My "Go Live" (ha ha)was end of August. When I called them they waffled on about a cooling off period. They have untill the 22nd of this month. If it aint connected by then I am going to cancel my direct debit and they can wistle for this months phone bill. Let see them take me to court!!!! BLOODY USELESS"!!!!



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