Beginning of the season started ok until second outing in which we had bought a air type porch awning , tried it at home and all seemed ok, got on site and the pump decided not work, as it is under warranty did think of going back to dealer but that meant a 160 mile round trip. Fortunately a fellow camper came to the rescue . The dealer later replaced with new one. Next holiday down to Cornwall , stopped in layby for a drink where upon a lady came up to enquire did I know about charging her phone, no problem I said going to our car, as we got to it the car moved or seemed to, looked up where my wife has got out of the caravan and she is looking at the rear of caravan.The lady had not put her hand brake on. At the end of holiday heading towards our last stop on a farm there was a loud band and we came to a halt. The caravan wheel had gone down a pot hole and the mover had hit the ground and also went into the tyre..So repairs to caravan is being done 20/9, the Reich mover required a new spindle which took four weeks to come. Lastly went for a week fishing and the Reich tap started leaking at the join to tap body. Sent for new joint which took at least 1 minuet to fit and went to screw the tap spout on to it when the fitting which comes out of tap of the spout broke off. Sent for new tap which they say might come 13/8.