Its only ME ****

Oct 22, 2009
Hello everybody, how ya all doin? I am safely home now after a "bit of a do" but I have been outside for a hobble today it was such a lovely day too.

Thanks for all the kind thoughts and wishes.Everyday gets a bit easier as I am sure those of you who have had similar procedures will know.My sister is staying with us and she is great,she and her hubby had me moved to the private wing at their expense.How caring is that?

I am so looking forwards to my first trip out with the caravan.

It has been a surprise to me how tired I sometimes get,this is due to having to have 2ltres of blood and now am on extra iron medication.Still its all behind us now and we move on steadily.

Thursdays Child
Sep 25, 2009
Hello Thursdays Child, glad to see you are back on your feet, in fact I feel like shouting it....WELCOME BACK & TAKE IT EASY.

Best regards,

Jun 20, 2005
Glad you're back in one piece, well partly bionic. The anaesthetic imo takes about 3 weeks to get out of your system, hence the tiredness.


Jun 14, 2009
Welcome back TC, you have been missed! A warning though, don't take too many of those iron pills, you may break the pan!!!!
Feb 23, 2008
Hi TC!

I don't normally respond to threads like these, but last January (2009) me mum had her first hip done and in December the second. Everything is going OK.

Just be very careful in the van as you shouldn't twist round, you have to turn in a wider circle. this is to stop you dislocating the joint and from what I've heard you definitely don't want that to happen, so please take care.

The other thing I've noticed is that there is a great variation in how quickly people get back to normal after the op. An aunt couldn't believe how quick a neighbour recovered compared to her, but she didn't end up with an infection - again a big no no.

So take now, go at your own speed, don't push the recovery too hard and have a set back, take each day as it comes and no doubt you will be fine.

Best wishes Steve G
May 21, 2008
Hi TC.

Glad your back and on the mend.

Keeping a positive attitude realy works to aid recovery.

As you know from what I've said on the forum I've been going through the wringer of life a bit myself. Having had a nasty motorcycle and having to learn to walk again, I can empathise with your perdicament, but trust me moving the goal post's a little further each day pays off in the end.

Over the last 2 years I've had several operations on the shoulders and quite honestly I've found our caravan the best tonic for recovery. Being in a quaint black&white village where the only noisy neighbor is the woodpecker, and being able to walk around 10 acres of flat fields with our devoted Chocolate Labrador has realy taught me to relax and enjoy life. Here at arrowbank they have a brilliant toilet block and even a disabled wet room all nicely heated.

Keep your chin up and hope all goes well.

ATB Steve L.
Oct 22, 2009
Many many thanks for all your good advice.I will take it all on board!!I have been out shopping a couple of times now ans I am using one stick for most of the time.The exercise regime is my gospel.The surgeons can only do so much and the rest is up to me.Fortunately the pain before the operation was so severe that what I have now is only uncomfortable.I am competitive with myself and just getting by wont do!!The one negative is that I think my new hip has made my leg a little longer now!!!!It was nearly an inch shorter before!! Oh well nothing is perfect and I will have to have the other hip done sometime in the future.I could end up being the ideal weight for my height eventually.NO MORE DIETING???????? I am glad I managed to loose the extra weight before the operation as it made it easier to move myself about.

I so relate to Steve in Leo as we live in a tiny village surrounded by countryside and lovely walks in peace and quiet.My biggest challenge so far has been getting in and out of the Jeep.Got it sorted now though and leather seats are nice and slidey**The fear of dislocation is always uppermost in my mind but I think it was more of a risk in the hospital when I had to go for xray and rolling over to have the drains removed a few minutes later!!!The radiographer said "IF YOU WERE A 19 YEAR OLD FOOTBALLER YOU WOULD BE SCREAMING YOUR HEAD OFF NOW".Not really comforting is it?

My sister has gone home now and I am so grateful to her for all her support. Mind you I had to be upbeat while she was here as she felt the pain more than I did BLESS HER!!

Roll on some nice weather for us all and lets all get moving.

Thursdays Child


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