Jockey wheel problems

May 26, 2024
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Being relatively new to Caravanning we have had few problems apart from the Jockey wheel that keeps dropping. I clamp it very tight but on numerous occasions whether on a road or gravel it has collapsed. Not sure what I am doing wrong but it has happened on too many occasions and on this trip it dropped while driving on the M4 shredding the wheel. Hoping someone may be able to advise please
Nov 16, 2015
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Welcome to the forum, is the wheel dropping through the clamp, or is the JW, unwinding, I have seen people put a bungee strap around the top handle to stop it unwind,
I had it happen on the M1, luckily I was close to a service area and no damage was done.
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Jun 20, 2005
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Its mainly as Im moving it with the motor movers
Recapping on Hutch , dies the handle on top of the jockey wheel unwind or is it the side clamp undoing? Or when even tightened it still drops??
Oh and welcome to the Forum. Hopefully we can help you out
Mar 17, 2020
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Presume you now need a new wheel if first shredded? The Kartt brand are excellent.

They have a "Turn-Lok which stops the wheel unwinding whilst towing.
They are also very robust and run well on most surfaces including gravel. Personally I would recommend you consider.

As for dropping the "A" frame when using the mover can't really say without more detail. Perhaps a photo of the clamp would help? Sounds like something "mechanical" is broken for the jockey wheel shaft to slip through the clamp even after tightening.

For it to drop whilst towing with no weight on it seems an indication that something in the clamp mechanism is broken or missing.
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May 5, 2024
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I don't read the OP as it's dropping whilst hitched to the car and driving but rather it doesn't support the weight of the 'van when being moved with the movers and the A frame drops....

Which would suggest the clamp has been damaged, possibly by being over tightened and has stripped the threads.
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Nov 11, 2009
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I don't read the OP as it's dropping whilst hitched to the car and driving but rather it doesn't support the weight of the 'van when being moved with the movers and the A frame drops....

Which would suggest the clamp has been damaged, possibly by being over tightened and has stripped the threads.
In post 1 the OP reports that it dropped whilst towing on he M4.
Apr 13, 2021
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when towing do you make sure that the wheel yoke is tight into the 2 slots and conversely when motor moving that it is not in the slots.
Other than that I can only think that it is an over stressed or deformed clamp
Nov 16, 2015
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I am wondering if maybe a previous owner has changed the Jockey wheel, unit, for a smaller size. Therefore not allowing the clamp to grip the shaft.
ie, a 48 mm down to a 42 mm .
May 10, 2020
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I have had the experience of the jockey wheel dropping while towing. Twice. The whole shaft slid down through the clamp. The reason/ cause was the fact that it is possible for the shaft to be out of square to the clamp and although the jockey wheel feels that it is clamped securely it is in fact only pinched up on two sides whereas the shaft should be gripped around its circumference by the clamp. Take a look down the shaft to the clamp to check all is central, then give the shaft a good shake and slap to check.
Jul 18, 2017
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The clamp holding the JE in place may need replacing. However it is not unknown for the JW to unwind while travelling. We swapped our ALKO JW for a Kartt and no more problems with it unwinding.


May 5, 2024
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On our van when the jockey wheel is right up and locked off hard it stops the front locker from opening, .....great design.:rolleyes:

So you have to slacken it off to get the locker to open or shut. And of course if you forget to lock it back off hard, guess what happens?

You do wonder sometimes if folk that design and build caravans ever actually use one.
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Jun 16, 2020
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I feel some (most) JW’s are made on a budget. I had a very old one which I moved between caravans, sometimes swapping for a brand new one. This was because the old one, which looked a bit grotty. Was built for the job. It never once slipped or unwound. Also the yoke was wider than most and would take a puncture proof pneumatic wheel.

If yours is giving a problem. It would make sense to get a new one as recommended above.

There used to be a problem that the clamp had a wedge shaped collet included which could slip out and it would no longer clamp properly. But that idea might have been dropped at some stage. Nevertheless, it might be the OP’s problem.

See here for collets.
