Joke : Two Arabs

Mar 16, 2005
The posts which followed this joke became the usual trading of insults and point-scoring by a few members.

It was a joke! It didn't need 17 'replies' posting under it.
Jan 19, 2008
I'm sorry Your Moddyship but you are playing right into Marky Boys hands.

This person back in February, who after about one weeks membership, asked for Chit Chat to be removed, because it upset his politically correct views.

He was replied to eloquently by Damian Mod and also a member of the PC staff (Mark)who said "Personally I'd miss the chit-chat section if we did away with it. After all, as caravanners we all have opinions and while I don't always agree with others, that doesn't mean I can silence them. I'd rather have the chance to argue a point than repress it by sweeping opposing views under the carpet".

Now all he has to do if he disagrees, even over, as you remarked above, a simple joke, is to make trouble, aided by gio aka jay aka numerous other nics and the thread will be deleted.

The result is almost as good as closing Chit Chat, his sole aim.
Mar 16, 2005
"Personally I'd miss the chit-chat section if we did away with it. After all, as caravanners we all have opinions and while I don't always agree with others, that doesn't mean I can silence them. I'd rather have the chance to argue a point than repress it by sweeping opposing views under the carpet"

As ever, it's not what was said, but how it was said. The goading, taunting phrases, the playground banter, na-na na-na-na. Is this the image of mature intelligent caravanners we want to project.

I try to look at content of the forum through the eyes of a young couple, with 2.4 children, new to caravanning and hoping to pick up a lot of good advice and help. Reading through the replies in this joke thread this morning, I despaired of the impression they would get.

There is no question of anyone being allowed to make trouble deliberately to get a thread deleted. I'm sure no-one involved in this thread wanted to get it cut - all participants were enjoying trying to score points off eachother with jibes and digs, and generally having a great time.

I return to the family aspect of this forum. Try reading some of the threads through the eyes of your 12 year old daughter/grand-daughter. (Re-read some of the jokes we've had recently too.)
Jan 21, 2007
In my view,spot on LB.

I have noticed on other forums that whenever a near-the-knuckle/Political Censorship comment is posted the same people jump straight in protesting and appear to independently support each other. A flare-up often occurs resulting in the whole thread being deleted. They seldom seem to start a thread though and are often conspicuous by their absence on other none contentious threads.

I do wonder if they are all sat in one big room and are actually at work; the crushing of free speech on the internet being there job.

I have to admit that I haven't a clue who would be paying their wages though. (That is unless they are all local authority "diversity facilitators" getting a bit of practice in.)

Rant over; I feel much better now.
Jan 17, 2005
Wow, this is amazing! I'm a regular contributor to a motorbike forum where there are numerous non-PC jokes (very much part of the attraction in this nanny-state we live in) and there are never any complaints - it amazes me to find such antagonism on a caravan forum!

As a caravanner-to-be with 2 young children, I have no issue reading that sort of joke and I would like to think that I am intelligent enough to realise that:

a. It is a joke.

b. Anyone who thinks otherwise is not necessarily a caravanner and, even if they were, would not 'scare' me off caravanning.

I personally find goading that sort of person a very enjoyable pastime...;-).. and they deserve to be goaded for taking everything so seriously...

So, can we have the thread back? Sounds interesting...
Jan 19, 2008
I don't goad him/them neil, I just reply. It's just that I hate political correctness and those who espouse it, they should be shot along with Blair, Broon and the rest of the "human rights" cronies. They are destroying this country and although a small minority they are like a cancer with tentacles spreading everywhere. Whenever someone makes a comment and they post their inane comments I believe others should have a right of reply.

Theres only two in this forum and one of those is banned although he uses other login nics as he did in this deleted thread.

At there's no problems like this, even myself is an angel although my halo is a little tarnished at times :O)

I digress, there was one slight hiccup, well more a deep belly belch followed by a long protracted f*rt, but it sorted itself out in the end.

The banned one (who seems to have unbanned himself numerous times) has now joined carryoncamping so it remains to be seen how things go there although Gary will boot his ass if he starts. At the moment he is behaving ... heh! heh!
Mar 14, 2005
Perhaps one should start all over again and tell the joke a second time, just replace the two arabs by two Englishmen and the American by a Scot.
Jan 19, 2008
I would if I could. It was an e-mail that I simply copy/pasted (as most do) and then deleted. I can no longer remember the joke apart from spitting in a shoe. I'm sure that if I carried out your wish that wouldn't placate a PC activist.
Mar 26, 2008
I can't leave you boys with the heading and joke, plus as the point was made about not drinking in beer :
Mar 27, 2005
Billy Collony used to do a similar routine involving Rangers and Celtic supporters, the said shoes and cups of Bovri. Chuckling just remembering it.
Jan 17, 2005
Now I've read that joke a couple of times before and it never even crossed my mind that anyone could take offense.

One of the versions I read before substituted the American for a Jew - I am jewish and simply found the joke funny, not a personal attack on my ideology, religion, race etc.

Some people...
Jan 19, 2008
There should be more people in the world like you Neil.

Good luck in your new venture of caravanning when you start. I'm sure you will love it.
Mar 14, 2005
For many years there have been jokes made about the English, Irish, Scottish and Welsh but we all took it in our stride. Now it seems that because of the PC brigade we cannot have a sense of humour. If we cannot laugh at ourselves where are we going to end up? probably all miserable old b******s sitting somewhere outside our caravans with long miserable faces. All I can say is get a life and lets return to the old ways of the UK and enjoy life to the full.
May 20, 2008
I am looking at some of the res ponces here and feel I have read the wrong thread.

I do not recall anyone taking offence to the joke,someone may have been unwise to make a point concerning Arabs and drinking alcohol,and actually at that point some did take offence to that point being made!

they have carried on ranting about PC correctness and others taking offence, but by highlighting the PC stuff does that not just play into the hands of the PC correct brigade?and is it really fare to simply call anyone who disagrees with you,part of that brigade?

In reality they who are quick to use such terms, are usually those who have taken offence themselves.

So really it would seem the scenario has been turned upside down somewhat and posters are being mislead

Blair style alas WMD!

No one took offence to the joke,but that's how it is now being portrayed,personally didn't found it that funny

What with a punch line about p..s and spit. but it almost past as a joke and I believe it should not have been removed in the first place.

So isn't it more a case of everyone lightening up, than trying to make out one is enlightened and anyone who disagrees is trying to be PC correct or that they need to lighten up?

The chit chat area is indeed a place that belongs on here, hoping it always is part of this site.
Jan 19, 2008
Awwwwwww c'mon gio me old cobber, surely you can do better than a nic like "honest". LMAAAOOOOOO

Do you want me to think of one for you ;O)
Mar 26, 2008
Titled "Two Arabs"

A comment was made about Muslims not drinking beer.

The comment was actually quite racist as it suggests that all Arabs are Muslims and as all Arabs are not Muslims I'm sure many would be offended by that.

There are many Christian Arabs throughout Arabia and Christians and Jews in Marroco and Turkey and other countries associated with the Quran.

I doubt that Mohamed (PBUH) was as intolerant as many of his so called followers or some that comment on the forum ;
Jan 19, 2008
Titled "Two Arabs"

A comment was made about Muslims not drinking beer.

The comment was actually quite racist as it suggests that all Arabs are Muslims and as all Arabs are not Muslims I'm sure many would be offended by that.

There are many Christian Arabs throughout Arabia and Christians and Jews in Marroco and Turkey and other countries associated with the Quran.

I doubt that Mohamed (PBUH) was as intolerant as many of his so called followers or some that comment on the forum ;


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