Just Get On With It

May 12, 2006
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So a thread was removed !! It's not the end of the world.

You could stand outside Parliment with a placard claiming the world is coming to an end caused by 4x4s. Or conversely claiming 4x4s have nothing to do with the world coming to an end. No one will take any notice just like on the Forum.

Val & Frank
May 4, 2005
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A few points here Frank,

If I chose to travel to Parliament it would involve me using some kind of transport

Which, no matter how environmentally friendly, would only add CO2 to the atmosphere

and possible have some effect on the environment. Of course I could walk but I fear the distance could lead to an early demise and the subsequent emissions from my cremation could have an even worse effect.

A placard would use up some of the worlds precious .resources , yes I know there are recycled papers available but generally not 100% .If the trees used were sustainable that could alleviate some of the problem ,but recent studies suggesting that the methane produced by trees is actually adding to the problem of global warming

( see http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/science/nature/4604332.stm ).

I think it's best we just discuss the issue here and save the world from the comfort of our nicely heated homes don't you ?

Oh ,by the way , don't forget to turn off the computer between posts or we are all DOOMED

(see http://www.truthout.org/issues_06/100606LA.shtml )

Probably best just to go out and enjoy the countryside while it's still there.

Brian (",)



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