Kampa Air Pro 330 Awning - Moisture / Condensation

Sep 4, 2017
To start with does anyone have any experience on the moisture / condensation issue I encountered that may be of interest?

Used my new Kampa Air Pro 330 Awning this last weekend and notwithstanding old age lack of mobility found it a pleasure setting up and dismantling. (Well dismantling is misleading because it almost folds itself up by default) Anyway if I need one enhancement to setting up, it would be a clip attached to a rope to make threading it into the awning rail on the van a lot easier. That will eliminate the need for either dragging a "tall person" along with you or standing stretching on top of the van entrance stairs. Otherwise the rest was easy, pegging and weather stays all easy to figure out. However it was cold out and on the first morning everything was wet. Condensation drips everywhere. Figured out there are 2 x air vent flaps at the top corner which I opened the next night and it was a lot better but still a bit too much. If someone was sleeping there they would need to sleep in a water proof bag! Any comments?
Nov 16, 2015
My smaller 260 air awning was the same first couple of times up then the condensation seemed to decrease.
Sep 10, 2014
We too have a 260, and experienced similar problems
We have, and had fitted the roof liner which meant that nothing underneath it was affected.
I too realised that I'd left the ventilation flaps closed, so opened them and had no trouble at all since then.
We were on hardstanding, so maybe if you're on grass it would still be a bit of a problem from the grass "breathing"

As for threading it on I saw recently a video clip of a gadget coming out that does just what you want and I think it's by Kampa and I think the clip is on this site.
Sep 10, 2014
I've just had a search and it is on here,,under general,,Kampa awning pulley,,,and it was posted 1 month 5 days ago.


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