Ladybird plague

Mar 14, 2005
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Hi all, Just back from our very enjoyable fortnight in Norfolk and Suffolk. For the first week we stayed at Seacroft near Cromer. The ladybirds weren't bad when we arrived but by the middle of the week 4th & 5th they had taken on Biblical proportions. People in Cromer weren't getting out of their cars and swarms were flying around the site by mid-afternoon. Sitting outside was not an option. By the evening it calmed down but the awning was covered on the inside each morning. There must have been hundreds in there.Interestingly, there were no ladybirds to be seen a couple of miles inland and matters did seem to be quieter in Sherringham, not far up the road. Also, the bar area was fairly clear as well!Fortunately by the end of the week they did seem to have cleared off and certainly there were none in Kessingland the following week except for the hitchers that we took with us. Did anyone else experience this and has it happened before.If they ahd been wasps, well, it doesn't bear thinking about. Best wishes, Butler
May 14, 2009
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We have a seasonal pitch in Norfolk and were in Wells that weekend where they left us unable to sit on the beach. They were on the local television news but they had all gone before the next weekend and have not returned. Apparently its quite unusal to see that many and once.
Feb 24, 2008
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Haven't noticed more than usual here in Essex this year but I do remember in the 70s when there was a huge problem one summer - perhaps '76 can't remember. I recount sitting in the park as a child and not being able to move for them.
Mar 14, 2005
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Interestingly, I read in today's Telegraph, that they are having a problem with Asian Hornets in parts of South West France. Apparently, they arrived with a consignment of pottery from China about 5 years ago, but their numbers are now increasing rapidly. The European hornet is no match for these vicious little so and sos. I believe a few people have gone to hospital as a result. Don't have nightmares. Butler


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