Longleat CC site.

Jan 19, 2008
Has anyone been to Longleat CC site?

If so what's this about a road blocker?

I've used Google street view and read the club directions of following the bus signs but the instructions say that if the road blocker is down follow the signs whatever that means.

If it's the only way in for caravans it doesn't quite make sense.

In Street View the blocker is down only to let cars exit Longleat so I didn't want to be stuck wanting to turn right with a load of traffic behind me with nowhere to go :O(
May 4, 2005
Just come back from Longleat yesterday Lord B.

If you arrive when the main gate is open just follow the signs for CC site . If you arrive after hours , we arrived at 7.30 pm , follow the signs for coaches and you will come to a road on the right with a blocker that drops down into the road . At this push the intercom and they will drop it for you and give you the code for another barrier. Just follow the CC site signs which will take you though the car park, If you come to a locked gate you have just missed the turning on the right to the car park.This will take you to another barrier on a road parallel the site which you now have the code for. The site is a little further on on the right.

Lovely site, have fun.

Aug 4, 2005
Hi LB,

We've visited Longleat last Spring and the year before as well. No problem with the road blocker, as Brian says I think it ony applies late in the day. Follow the directions as in the C.C. handbook and you'll be o.k.

Both times we went as we approached the gate we were waved through, nobody checked to see if we were booked at the site until we actually arrived at the site reception. Be aware that once through the park entrance gate it is still quite a drive to the site. If someone hadn't alerted me to this prior to going I might have started to think I was heading in the wrong direction. You drive down past the main House itself then out past the car parks onto a narrow estate road and just keep going in a half circle round to the rear of the House. The estate road is one way only as far as the public are concerned but not so sure if that also applies to estate staff but we never encountered any other vehicles. Site wardens will give you alternative entry and exit route when you check in.

Lovely site, hope you enjoy your break.

Jan 19, 2008
Thanks both. I can see the way now on Google Maps. I wasn't sure if you drove past the house or not but now it's more clearer.
Dec 30, 2009
Hey LB just because you park your van outside your country house doesnt give you the right to drive past lord Baths pad.

Its a great site and the sound of lions roaring in the morning and evening is just something else.


Jan 19, 2008
Thanks Kev, I'm glad about the lions. Something to blame when Her Ladyship accuses me of snoring :O)

I'm away next week so have loads of emails to send out if I've got time so make sure your email box is empty ... heh! heh!
Feb 15, 2006
LB, why an earth are you going longleat?.

i thought you had done the kid thing and liked adult only CL'S.

you must be crazy going here. ive got kids and would never go again ven if you paid me.

we went in the summer hols but the kids were running across pitches, gangs of about 20 kids at a time. kids were bullying another child and the wardens told the parents to take it up with the bullies parents. you are in the middle of no where with no phone signal.

it could be a nice site but the unruly kids ruin it for other people and the wardens just turn a blind eye.

you might like it let us knpw how you get on.

good luck

Jan 19, 2008
Hi Jo-Anne, firstly thanks for your words of encouragement .. heh! heh!

My daughter thought we'd taken leave of our senses when she knew we were going but when we booked it we didn't realise it was school holidays and this was probably because next week is priced as Value in the club book.

We don't normally mind sites with kids on but Longleat is one of the sites that would attract a high proportion of families with kids which could mean more than we are normally accustomed to :O(

I'm really going to compare Thynneys spread, that's Lord Bath to you peasants, against my own at Scewham Hall :O)

I've already explained that I've got an excuse for snoring and hopefully there will be hippo's there with their methane just incase I need an excuse if a botty burp creeps out.

I'll update you when we return Jo-Anne which from your post will be earlier than we anticipated ... heh! heh!
Nov 6, 2005
I think it is a lovely site and have been back to it a few times and never had any of the issues that have been mentioned.

I think Jo-Anne has had a bad week which happens, i know you rate Hillhead but i had a bad experience there similar to your Longleat one.
Feb 15, 2006
lord b there is 5 vacant pitches at www.little-paddock.com CL in dorset. i know where id rather go dorset or longleat mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm dorset.

it has a swimming pool, its only a 5 CL yes its 18 a night but not many kids yipee. you can hire the sauna and hot tub.

have a look at the website and check out the reviews on uk campsite. id change your mind if i was you lol.

jo x
Aug 28, 2005
I went there about 8 years ago ,and thoroughly enjoyed it ,the tour around the house is worth doing , might not be quite up to screwham hall standards ,but still worth seeing ,the tour on the lake feeding the sealions is really good , you might even see your relatives who live on the island ,only joking , the ride in the racing car simulator is quite realistic ,i stayed for a week and never used my car all the time i was there ,but i guess i am a big kid at heart ,dont take life too serious no one is coming out alive
Aug 4, 2005
Lord B, this is important, please do not ignore!

When you are out suantering in the grounds of Longleat with your hounds and you come across a nice looking wooded area with a high fence around it and an equally high gate with padlock and chain, please do not think this is merely to keep us peasants out and that it will be o.k. for you go in for a wander...... there might just be a few rather large tabby cats looking for their lunch ;)

Have a good trip, please let us know what you thought about the site.

Jan 19, 2008
OK Rob and thanks, not only for the tip off, but for also putting an idea in my head.

I will get Her Ladyship to walk the dogs on arrival while I set up and tell her it's the route you recommend. Now where's those insurance policies.
Dec 30, 2009
Thanks for the E Mails, some good ones there.

We went to the lion county over a b/h and didnt find it a problem with the kids on site, and as you know we do like our adults only sites as well.

Jo Anne must have had a really bad week not to like it.

Have a good stay

Jan 19, 2008

Well Lady Luck was looking after us again. Although the site was always full and as one unit left another had it's pitch within 15 minutes we managed to get pitch 29 which was next to the dog walk.

As you know the kids was off on holiday and although we didn't know it at the time the play area was at the other end of the site and wasn't we glad because our end was quieter :O)

Also opposite there were grass pitches which weren't in use which made it nice and open although one chap thought it alright just before leaving to walk his dog on there for a dump. He did at least pick it up but then he put it in the normal bins despite there being a dog walk plus poo bins just 20 paces from him.

Next door the family had taken over the grass area between us with bikes, BBQ and swingball which was about 3 feet from my car. No accidents so there were no heads ripped off.

On the open space some kids thought it great fun trying to run over a pair of ducks on their bikes. I went out and told them to clear off just as one of their fathers rode up. He must have seen them but didn't even say 'oh you naughty little darlings'.

And finally ... heh! heh! heh!

... why do parents let 3 year old kids on bikes with stabilisers on just wander off. I was driving back to our van when I came across a pair of them in the road. I stopped and waited for them to move but the cute little buggers just sat there. Eventually one rode off and as I thought the other was following I started to move off just to see the little **** do a circle and stop in front of me again. He did move off just as I was about to hit the horn and watch him jump out of his skin and hopefully draw some 'parents' attention to what their feral kiddies are up to.

Apart from that we had a good time .. heh! heh! heh!

In fairness to Jo-Anne I could imagine some of what she described going on although the well mannered/behaved kids far outnumbered those who were let lose to do their own thing.

What did strike me about the site and because it was always full was how laidback the wardens were. There was no having to be off site by 12. The earliest I saw people arrive was 8.40am and the latest leaving at 8pm.

On the site there was some contraption which I can only describe as a speaker on a pole. Her Ladyship asked me what it was so keeping a straight face and off the top of my head I told her it's a siren they set off if a lion escapes. On the Friday she just gone out with one of the dogs when a siren did go off. I've never seen the missus be so quick taking the dog for a walk arriving back puffing and panting like the dog.

Apparently they test the sirens every Friday morning. I'm not sure if it's because of escaping lions though.

Would I go again? No, not because it's not a nice site but because we have now exhausted that area. If I did go again though it would be when it's quieter.
Feb 15, 2006
lol. glad you see what i mean LB. i cant abide parents that as soon as they arrive on site they open the door give the kids there bikes and say dont come back till later.

it gets my back up. my eldest helps and my youngest is supervised at the parks and usually kicks off when its time up lol. i wouldnt just give my youngest a bike and let him out omg thats so bad.

some parents dont give a cr*p as long as there wineing and bbqing it with there friends.

would i go back to longleat no not even if i won a holiday lol.

Jan 19, 2008
Like I said Jo-Anne most kids were just being kids and having a good time although when stood next to each other why don't they talk instead of shouting .. heh! heh! heh!

When out walking the dogs one evening two little girls asked if they could stroke them. We chatted and then when we went on our way they said 'bye and thank you for stopping for us to stroke your dogs'.

Another time I saw a kid about 10 taking her large dog for a walk. I said to my wife that she wont pick up any dumps if it does one. Sure enough it stopped and did one while the young girl was looking around to see if anyone was watching. After it finished she ran off. Five minutes later we saw her return with a bag and was looking for it. She found it and put it in the dogdump bin.

Another time a young lad was walking his French Bulldog. I commented to my wife the same as above but he proved me wrong and picked the dumps up :O)

It's times like this that show that not all kids are feral and it makes my day :O)


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