Help! underneath my ABI Tristar there is what appears to be a lose earth wire attached to my chaise on one end and to nothing on the other is this normal any help would be really helpful
It is difficult to know what the wire you refer to was actually for, It really requires a professional electrician to check if it has broken or what it should be connected to.
As far as I recall the 16th edition wiring regulations require the chassis to be connected to the Continuous protective conductor which is the green and yellow wire running around the 230V ac wiring loom commonly know as the earth wire. I do not know if the current 17th edition changes that requirement.
Let's just kill one common misunderstanding shall we?
Cars do not get charged up with static. get charged up with static as you get out of the car and you clothes wipe on the seat. The first time you touch anything - like the car door - you will get a belt as your clothes discharge through you.
Simple solution - always hold the door (metal) as you get out, then the charge is dissipated as it is created.
I only mentionned it as a possibility albeit a faint one for a wire dangling under the caravan
I was in no way advocating mass fitting of anti static wires
When we lived in Berlin in the sixties the static was amazing
A friend always used to shut his car door with his rubber soled shoe and on one occasion I remember seeing a spark from the key jump to the garage door
We were never sure if it was the very dry air or all the radio transmitters in such a small area
We had one of those listening station things at the end of our road !!
Woody, your quite right about static, I found I kept getting belts from static after cleaning the seats, the problem disappeared after several weeks
Solution I found was to close the door by pushing on the glass and staying clear of any metal ground altogether, fingers marks on the glass made a mess though LOL