Lunar Window Blind repairs/repairer

Dec 21, 2012
Can anyone help/point me in the right direction please.
We have a 2019 Clubman with a failed lounge window blind ( the cord has snapped and the blind is now limp)
We had two replacements not long after purchase, covered by Lunar warranty. Now that Lunar do not exist
our dealer cannot obtain a replacement as Lunar purchased special size blinds from Remis for our model year.
Due to present climate both Remis and Dometic cannot offer any forward supply dates, if at all.
So, my question, does anyone know of a company that can offer a repair to the blind.
(I know there are do it yourself guides on You tube, but I cannot see myself returning the guides, the spring clips
the cord and the blind mechanisms back together again)
May 7, 2012
You could try breakers like SFM Caravans to see if they have one although the caravan is possibly not old enough for them to have any. The only other thing might be to purchase a slightly bigger one for another make if you can find it, but not sure if the colour will match.


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