Missed opportunity.

Jun 16, 2020
My son has, for about 5 years now, first refusal on a pitch very close to the crowd line at FairfordAir Tattoo. A great view can be had from the pitch saving loads of money going in. Because of his kidney cancer op. (minor and low priority), he had to cancel. So the place was offered to me. My wife was not interested and failed to understand why I would want to go on my own. Does she really know me? Who will you speak to she asked? A couple of thousand I would think. My son then got covid, definitely not from us, so the op is cancelled until August 8.

Anyway we got covid which put paid to that, and the pitch was given to a mate. We tested clear today. But no pitch to go to.

Sods law 😢

Nov 11, 2009
That’s an unfortunate sequence fir you and your son. I’ve been hearing and seeing the comings and goings. Earlier this morning a ASR Sea King and a Wessex both came over our house.. With the weather forecast for the whole period it should be a good event. Totally sold out, first time
Jun 16, 2020
We have attended the event quite a few times in the past. Part of FIAT (friends of the international air tattoo). Also via Boundless providing private toilets and lockers and free tea.

But I would not last 5 mins now. But I could easily have sat outside the van and watched.

My son took his van to the CC site years ago. When he returned there was aviation fuel spattered over the van. Remember the Russians bringing each other down. One pilot casually walked away lighting a cigarette!

We used too attend the show before it was the Tatoo and run by the Yanks. They put on a good event.

One year the Americans put a Stealth fighter on static. People flocking around it taking pictures for days. On the last day they decided to move it! A crowd surrounded it and the Americans ordered the air cadets to stop people taking pictures! No chance in hell. I said to the policeman standing next to me that they had an impossible job. “Doesn't matter, he said, the pictures won't turn out.

Parraniod, the Americans sent a Stealth Bomber one year. It came from Caroliner, needed refueling there and back. It also needed some fighters to protect it from Norfolk. It did a high level pass and went back to Caroliner.

I also remember a B52 with all female crew getting an elvation from the crowd. Seems their government didn't want them to fly in case the were menstruating. So issued a rule to say they couldn't fly at that time of the month. They all agreed they wouldn't tell anyone. And if they didn't, how would they know.

Nov 11, 2009
I was there when the B2 Spirit arrived it was so low that on landing anyone not on the front or less than 6 ft wouldn’t see it. It just didn’t look as if it should be able to fly, and so quiet compared to the B52. Some work colleagues had taken their caravan down to Fairford from Barrow in Furness and had some excellent video footage of the crash of the two Mig 29s. That was in 1993, and the aircraft type is still in service.
Jun 16, 2020
I was there when the B2 Spirit arrived it was so low that on landing anyone not on the front or less than 6 ft wouldn’t see it. It just didn’t look as if it should be able to fly, and so quiet compared to the B52. Some work colleagues had taken their caravan down to Fairford from Barrow in Furness and had some excellent video footage of the crash of the two Mig 29s. That was in 1993, and the aircraft type is still in service.

1993…. really.

Jun 16, 2020
The son has a plan!! His covid has been mild. He is now testing every couple of hours. If he comes clear he will go to Fairford and squeeze his campervan on the pitch with his mates tent.

He can be obstinate. Don‘t know where he gets that from!

Nov 11, 2009
Brilliant video and amazing how the pilot survived in the one on level flight that had its forward end sheared off. Later news shots show one of the pilots on landing taking out a cigarette and lighting up. Only a British announcer could calmly say “ Ladies and Gentlemen the incident you have just seen is not an exercise”.
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Nov 11, 2009
I am more into Helicopters and Vertical Takeoff Aircraft, but the latest fighter aircraft with vectored thrust and the way they fly can now, can certainly out fly our original Kesterals and Harriers..

View: https://youtu.be/bK1GChMOnrQ
Very impressive, the more so with it being an old design, albeit developed overtime. The replacement is SU57 a stealthy fighter, but very late into service and very few in service as the programme was affected by financial problems. Unlikely to get any better in the foreseeable future.

Love flying displays of all sorts.
Jul 18, 2017
We are in south Gloucestershire and yesterday a Chinook came over so low I could almost shake hands with the pilot. Couple of other planes have flown across.


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