Missing Topic

Mar 15, 2006
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Did I read on here last night, about two caravan cleaning products that could damage a particular van?

It said that the makers of the caravan would not be held responsible for any cracked body work after using this product. Also when the caravan went in for a service and it had damage to the body work which looked like it could have been done by this product, people would not be able to claim from the manufacturer.

I cannot find it today to show my husband.

A)I did not drink that much wine

B)It was not April fools day yesterday.
Jan 28, 2007
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I also read the'missing' thread and have spent some time today searching for it again. When I failed to find it...I emailed the manufacturer named to enquire if the comments made were fact or fiction! I will update this thread when I receive a reply.
Mar 15, 2006
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Thanks for doing that Maureen,

that's something that I would normally do but was to busy today. I did check out Towsure website last night and they never had any comments on there next to the products regarding what to use it on and what not to.

Oct 19, 2005
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I have tried to contact the originator of the post now removed, relating to a cleaning product, without success, as I thought would be the case with a Hotmail account.

Today I have contacted the cleaners makers, and Bailey and both know nothing about the claims made last night, and were surprised to hear of the posting.

The cleaner in question has been used for years by caravanners and others and never has any adverse problems arisen through the use of the cleaner.
Mar 14, 2005
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This posting only goes to strengthen the moderators feelings when firms are named on this site and given bad publicity. The actual posting on here could have proved very costly for the product manufacturer, Bailey Caravans and Practical Caravan magazine. At times like this thank God for the moderator(s).


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