To try and answer the points raised by Colin.
1. The forum is open to users of all ages, and available world wide.
2. The Forum rules are clearly stated in Forum Etiquette, and users are expected to abide by these rules, few as they are.
3. The Forum is broken down into different areas, and the Chit Chat part was introduced for exactly that, non caravan issues etc.
4. It is always good to have reasoned, sensible discussion on any subject, as we all learn something new, hopefully, or take on board useful and sensible ideas.
5.The hijacking of topics is, sometimes, a cause for concern, but a sense of reason must prevail or there would be completely irrational postings, to the casual observer.
6. Personal abuse of users will not be tolerated, and any such posts are deleted as soon as they become apparent, however, this may be some time after the original post, as we do not actually sit in front of the computer all day, scrutinising postings, as was the old way postings were dealt with.
To have a totally inflexible approach would be very detrimental to the whole forum, but we do try and keep things on track, without interfering too much.
With a group of different people, with widely varying views on all kinds of subjects, it is inevitable to find conflict arising, and when the situation demands, some users are reminded of the rules, and asked to moderate their posts with total deletion as a last resort.
At the end of the day, the written word is just that, plainly written, but with no character, no feeling, and no intonation, therefore making what one person posts as a light hearted message , appear completely differently to another reader, and maybe even appear as insulting, rude or threatening.
Finding the balance is difficult at times.