Locally a man has had his sentence reduced by a third for kicking an old war veteran to death. How long was he originally sentenced for killing this old man? A grand total of 6 years.
The reasoning given by the judge for reducing his sentence was that the killer was drunk so didn't intend to kill him.
If he had robbed a bank without harming anyone he would probably have got at least 15 years. Such a small price is put on life in comparison. It makes me puke thinking that people, like the person who died violently in his old age, fought for the freedoms of this country only to see it sink to depravity.
The reasoning given by the judge for reducing his sentence was that the killer was drunk so didn't intend to kill him.
If he had robbed a bank without harming anyone he would probably have got at least 15 years. Such a small price is put on life in comparison. It makes me puke thinking that people, like the person who died violently in his old age, fought for the freedoms of this country only to see it sink to depravity.