Moving site

Jan 26, 2009
Hi all, Being a new entrant onto the caravan scene, your views would be appreciated. I would like to do a week in one location followed by a week at another. My good lady says it would be too much trouble packing everything up and then redeploying on site number 2...what are your views?
Feb 8, 2009
We do exactly this for our main holiday in the year. I feel it is worth it as it feels more exciting packing up but not going home. The holiday feels longer being at two different places for a week each.
Jun 20, 2005

We do both!

Caravanning is all about mobility.

Our last six week tour of North West Scotland involved 22 hitches and pitches. Not a problem. We didn't use the big awning , just the porch one. All in all I doubt it took us more than an hour to load up, at a leisurely pace.

Each new site became a thrill in itself with differing scenery and new people to meet.

Changing sites once in two weeks is no real effort!!


Dec 6, 2007

We've done this in the past, it was fun.

Biggest hassel was packing the awning up only to re-errect it a few hours later, but other than that its no problem.

Jan 21, 2014
Hi Neil,

We never stay on sites for very long, even on a two week holiday it could be four locations, we can be packed up and on the road within the hour - it really isn't any trouble.

Having a caravan gives you the freedom to be able to go where you please, we thoroughly enjoy our nomadic lifestyle
Apr 4, 2005
Hi Neil

As stated, one move in two weeks is fairly usual. If you are not using an awning you can be away in about half an hour. As said, moving to another site is quite exciting and you may have done most things in an area in one week and be ready for a new site.
Feb 15, 2006
neil and wifey, touring is what it says touring. our summer holiday this year is 3 weeks at cornwall then almost 2 weeks at longleat. last year was 3 week in devon and 1 week moreton in marsh.

go on do it

Apr 9, 2006
Hi Neil,

No problem! Last year we spent 5 weeks travelling around the Highlands of Scotland, spending a week at each site.

Each time we moved camp, we used those lightweight storage boxes, which collapse flat when not in use, putting anything loose/breakable in those, wrapping anything fragile in bubblewrap, before striking camp. When we get to the next site, it doesn't take any time at all to put things back in place.

Another useful tip. Those bottle holders you get from the supermarket, with 6 pockets, come in very handy for holding all sorts of things. We usually put all shower room items like hairspray, shampoo etc., into one.

Remember always to put heaviest items over the axle or to the front of it. Heavy items put to the back of the caravan can cause the outfit to 'snake'.
Jul 11, 2006
Yes I agree with all the others, this summer we have

3 nights at Tewksbury

6 nights at Longleat

21 nights on the Isle Of Wight

10 nights at castleton

Variety is the spice of life.
Oct 8, 2007
As you see - this is what a lot of people do. It can get a bit boring staying in one place for two weeks especially when there are such a lot of places to see. Perhaps when packing up, once you have carefully stored your glasses and crocks - just put your water and waste carriers in black bags (no need to clean them they are coming back out), roll up electric lead and black bag it (no wiping or perfectly rolling up on it's reel) - if you have an awning - bag the poles and just casually fold awning and through in the back of the car, roof box or caravan floor (weight permitting). Leave your unbreakables in the cupboards / wardrobes. Off you go to the next site and throw everything back out of the van.
Apr 30, 2008
As you see - this is what a lot of people do. It can get a bit boring staying in one place for two weeks especially when there are such a lot of places to see. Perhaps when packing up, once you have carefully stored your glasses and crocks - just put your water and waste carriers in black bags (no need to clean them they are coming back out), roll up electric lead and black bag it (no wiping or perfectly rolling up on it's reel) - if you have an awning - bag the poles and just casually fold awning and through in the back of the car, roof box or caravan floor (weight permitting). Leave your unbreakables in the cupboards / wardrobes. Off you go to the next site and throw everything back out of the van.
We are doing 4 sites over 3 weeks in france then another night stop over once we get back to the uk. The main 'proper' packing will be done before we leave the last french site, we are hoping to be able to find somewhere to eat out once we get to the uk stop over or maybe fish and chips so there will only be cups and the kettle to stow away before the last leg.
Jan 26, 2009
Hey Guys....Sorry for not replying sooner. Have been away for a couple of days on our first trip. Stayed local. The main reason for going was to press buttons and connect everything up and PITCH THE AWNING!!! OMG the divorce courts must be full of bickering awning erectors saying things like "that doesn't look right"..."that doesn't go there" etc etc. In the end we got it up and numbered and photographed the arrangement for future reference. On a plus point we have thrown caution to the wind and are going to do a two stay break in the summer. Week 1 South West, then Week 2 another site heading back North.

Thanks for all your tips on nice locations! Hav trawled through hundreds!!
Feb 8, 2009
That`s good to hear.Not the bickering. I mean that your 1st trip is done and dusted and you have planned another!

I was trapped at my husband`s orders at North ledaig(Oban Scotland)The high winds meant I could not rebel as I was holding a vital awning pole and we would have flown away! I nearly got the pole through my foot when I tried! LOL
Apr 23, 2007
Hi Neil

I'm not yet through my first 12 months myself yet. Last summer we took our van to Vendee, Pyrenees, Costa Brava and were also planning to go to France near Alps. We planned to stay on these sites 4, 5, 5 and 4 nights respectively. This was too much, especially as we had never erected an awning before. I also had a fair bit of driving between sites that meant by the time we arrived and set up the awning we were exhausted. The next morning realisation dawned that we had to do it again in a few days.

For 2009 we are driving to the Venetian coast in Italy. We are staying in one place for 12 nights although we are planning 3 overnights on the way there.

If you have the time I would definitely try a few different places. Depending on how long you have, consider the awning factor, as others have said.

Good luck

PS, can't wait to retire.
Jan 26, 2009
Hey, ScouseIan....i too cant wait to retire...only another 30 something years left if the bankers haven't messed it up for everyone by then!! At least i own my van and no-one can take it off me. May be getting a good use from it in the future when the printing of money causes hyperinflation and the interest rates are in triple figures!


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