Many thanks for your advice, just at planning stage at the moment are there any other sites you could recommend. We would like to stay North Wales for a couple of nights either on route to Alton Towers area or else on way home. New to this forum thing, so many thankd for taking the time to post comment.Not been on this site but been past it a few times. Its quite a ride out of Rhyl, nearer Prestatyn but theres not much in Prestatyn, good market but cant remember the day its on sorry. Its a largest field, taking caravans and tents, think theres a toilet on site but not sure. It does get very busy in peak season. Its quite a nice site takes both single groups and families I think. Bit far out for me I like to be in the thick of it, but I would stay on there myself if that helps.
Many thanks for the information.if you do stay there whilst it is a decent site it is also on a slope so you will need some leveling chocks