New Caravan alarm going off in night

Mar 3, 2024
Another question on my new caravan as a newbie.

We have the caravan at home for a couple of nights to try everything out but are taking it to pitch today.

Both nights I set the Sargeant factory fit alarm (Swift Sprite 2025 Exclusive Major 4EB).

First night it was fine. Second night it went off at about midnight. I got up and checked the caravan and pressed the key button to disable the alarm (don't want to upset the neighbours).

Went into the caravan this morning, and the alarm PIR goes off - had to then disable it again.

First, am I doing something wrong because it seems like the alarm must have remained enabled even when I pressed the key to stop it going off?

Second - do I need to get the alarm checked by dealer? I see in the instructions that there are sensitivity settings. On the display under the bench they are sete to medium. It doesn't seem possible to change them on the alarm box - I guess I have to use the key?

Also - could this be something to do with cold weather? It was a pretty hard frost last night (harder than the previus night and my outside tap is frozen this morning). I saw something in the leaflet about adjusting the alarm if it's very cold or warm? Temperature guage says zero but as mentioned, seems to be a pretty hard frost this morning.
Sep 4, 2011
We had this on our 2023 Sprite in January this year. It is parked at home and kept going off for no reason. Phoned Sargent and they said unit needed replacing. Courier delivered a new unit next day and I changed it. I then notified them it was changed and the courier collected the old one complete with its fobs the next day, Replacement working fine no more false Alarms. I had even got to taking the fob to bed with me so I could switch it off during the night. Previous caravan we bought new and kept for 10 years had the same Alarm but was never any trouble.
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May 10, 2020
I understand that these alarms work on “tilt” or PIR. So if there isn’t anything moving in front of the PIR and the caravan hasn’t moved from it’s horizontal position then it must be down to a fault within the alarm unit.


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