New Forum wish-list

Jul 18, 2006
Visit site
Nigel has told us that we can produce ideas for the new forum for when it arrives.

So what I would like in a forum (not in order of priority) :

1. Ability to edit posts after they have been submitted.

2. A forum that allows me to see if any posts have been submitted since my last visit (a cookie setting I assume).

3. A selection of smiley buttons so people can suggest if they are joking, angry, upset etc when they post, as some discussions occasionally get heated as people have no easy way of showing emotion (like you can in voice conversation)

4. See how many people have viewed a topic to see level of interest.

5. Have a way of "watching" a thread so you can easily find it again (without having to use the search function) with the click of a button.

6. Have email alerts when a topic of interest has been replied to (whether you have posted a reply yourself or not) in either post by post format or a daily digest.

7. Ability to stay logged in when you first open the webpage (if you wish) instead of having to login each time, but the option to opt-out should you wish for those more security conscious, or sharing a computer.

To see how a good forum has some or all of these functions see the following:
Not all of these forums is of subject interest, but the forums have been well set up and have most/all of the above functionality.

That's all for now, but I may think of some more :)
Nov 6, 2005
Visit site
I agree with Rubix's list - these are all things that some other forums give as standard.

I'd add:-

Ability to edit topic heading after posting.

Ability to see Thread originator's name as well as last poster's name.

Ability to jump to first unread post within a thread.

Simple, efficient design so that download data volume is minimised.

Acceptance that line speed varies tremendously, even for one individual, more so these days with Wi-Fi and Mobile Phone connections from caravan sites!

If I think of more I'll add them.


Mar 14, 2005
Visit site
Hey - that's great news.

A facility where you can email or pm other members.

A profile page for each member.

Look forward to seeing the new site up and running.



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