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Aug 13, 2014
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Hello everyone.
We're at the stage where we have agreed a price for our motor home (which we've enjoyed for a number of years) and have ordered our very first caravan (second hand) complete with caravan mover.
Have we made the right decision?
Overall I think so, although the awning looks a stinker to put up and I'm having kittens at the thought of towing.
Our German Shepherd will have enough room to sleep without blocking the toilet door in the middle of the night too!
Apr 9, 2006
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Welcome to the forum :)
I'm sure you won't regret the decision to get a caravan, after having a motorhome.
You'll find the motor mover will be very useful. You can take the caravan to the car for hooking up. It is also useful for easily getting the caravan on to a pitch in just the right place.

It is good being able to just take the car when you go out for the day, without having to secure all the loose bits and pieces and the awning will instantly double your space. Don't worry about putting the awning up. There are usually kindly fellow caravanners who will help you, if you encounter a problem on site. If you have easy-alloy poles, then the job is made much easier. If you have loose poles, try putting different colour tape on them to denote front/roof/sides etc. it will make things easier next time.
The Caravan Club do very helpful towing courses, if you have the time to take one.
Happy and safe caravanning!


Nov 12, 2009
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Hello Dorian, welcome to the forum :)
I'm sure that you have made the right decision to buy a caravan, Meals on Wheels has covered most of the advantages.
It might be worth trying your towing skills locally on familiar roads so that you will be quite relaxed when you venture out on your first trip with the caravan.


Mar 17, 2007
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Hi Dorian, welcome to the forum. We swapped a motorhome for a caravan and have never regretted it. Much more space, car on site for nipping to the shops, don't have to move the whole thing to empty the water tank. You will get the hang of the awning, but they can be a pain. Pitch the van first and have a cup of tea before even thinking about tackling it. If you are anxious about towing you could try one of the courses run by the CC or C&CC.
Jun 20, 2005
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Welcome to the forum Dorian.
When swmbo did a CC towing course at Evesham there were three men and three women. It was a one and half day course.Hands on. Well worth it.
A caravan will give far more space plus you can always have an awning.


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