New Starters

Sep 10, 2014
We are picking up our FIRST caravan tomoro, and having read so many topics on here and other sites I'm bricking it.
There seems to be soo many things that can go wrong,,gas problems,, water problems,,weights,,it just goes on and on.
What makes it worse for me is I am 70+ so starting something new now is daunting.
Can someone please re-assure me. :(


Mar 14, 2005
It depends where you are buying your van from, a Dealer or Private sale?
If from a dealer then you have some comeback if things do go wrong, from Private you do not.

However,forums always carry dire warnings about various makes of van and various problems, but in comparison to the number of vans around these are in the minority.

Get whoever is selling you the van to give you a thorough run through of how everything works and show you it all working.
Take your time until you are happy with everything and do NOT be rushed , which you will be in all probability. Ask as many questions as you need to.

Make sure you have all the various equipment manuals and spend time READING them, most people don't bother until something goes wrong !!!!!
Jun 20, 2005
Welcome Pensioner.
You will enjoy caravanning.
Do I detect it is towing that is worrying you?
Please let us know and we can offer advice under the towing section.
Both the two Caravan Clubs run towing courses for all ages men and women.
My wife went on one and is now an accomplished tugger.
Sep 10, 2014
thankyou both for the comments,,,,
It's a new van from a dealer so I should be safe there,,but everything is foreign to me,,a bit like learning a new skill,,,the towing part I'm not too bothered about,,having done plenty of that in my time,,although my tow ball is slightly lower than the 440mm it says in the details of the van.
It's a Lunar Cosmos 352 so it's light enough for my car which is a Corsa 1.4 eco diesel and I've been assured it's within weight and towing tollerances. We chose this one as it's the only one we could find that's narrow enough to go into the driveway.
Anyway it all kicks off in the morning so fingers crossed.
Sep 12, 2014
I'm 72 and been caravanning for about 20 years, Marvellous times and wonderful tours living on the S Coast and touring as far as France and Scotland - don't despair ! Start off with short journeys not too far from home/ friends. Choose a site with a hook up and perhaps some facilities. You'll soon find out about CL's (certificated locations) and how lovely and peaceful (and cheap) they are.If you follow the towing and owning advice from ,say, the Caravan Club you'll be safe- one step at a time make a check list and stick to it and you'll soon begin to enjoy .


Mar 17, 2007
Hi pensioner, welcome to this wonderful hobby. It all seems very daunting at first with such a lot to remember, but it does get easier. You have already had the best advice, take your time. If something is not going well just stop and take a breath. If the kettle is working have a cup of tea and a biscuit before tackling the problem. Don't be afraid to ask; most vanners are happy to help.
all the best
Apr 20, 2009
Welcome Pensioner, I would like to take my hat off to you, (if I wore One :lol: )

Hope you enjoy your new found freedom, good luck and let us know how you got on with your first outing.
Feb 4, 2014
Hi pensioner, welcome to the Forum, and to the wonderful world of caravanning! I'm a pensioner too, and I'm caravanning on my own now, and despite the fact that I've been doing it off and on for about 30 years, I still get the jitters if I think about what could go wrong when I'm out in my 'van. It's just a case of grabbing the bull by the horns and going for it! I try not to worry about the potential for problems developing, and just take, and enjoy, each day as it comes. I think the fear of failure is worse than failure itself. For example, I'm fairly confident in my towing/manouevring abilities, but when I pull onto a site, if I think there are loads of people watching me, I make a right mess of reversing and end up having to get onto the pitch using the motor mover! Just go out there and enjoy yourselves! There is a host of helpful information and support on this forum, make the most of it. Happy caravanning!
May 24, 2014
Hi and welcome.
Dont be worried about your new hobby, you should be looking forward to it, just as the rest of us do.
You are on a forum where lots of people seek help for different reasons, and many of the posts you will see will relate to that. People tend not to post when things DONT go wrong, which is most of the time. ;)
Nov 12, 2013
Welcome to the Practical Caravan forum, pensioner. It is great to have you on board and welcome to this new way of life. Every new challenge is daunting but you've come to the right place if you want help and support, or need to pick someone's brain. All the very best!
Jan 15, 2011
Welcome to the Forum Pensioner.
I'm sure after your first couple of trips all will become straightforwards for you. I hope you are blessed with some fine weather for your first outings.
All best wishes Brian


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